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  1. Dan58


    I was being a tad sarcastic, but the answer is obvious. Younger women are generally prettier, less wrinkles, and thinner. Not all men, but the superficial ones would rather have a fox on their arm rather than a grandma :).
  2. Dan58


    I'm 63, but I only feel like I'm 62.
  3. Dan58


    Illinois... But I'd love to get the heck out of this socialistic high taxed state. And we've had about 4 sunny days since March, I feel like I'm living in a cave. Forecast; yesterday rain, today rain, tomorrow rain, rest of the week... rain. I'm going to need a boat to get out of here.
  4. Dan58


    I suspect a 70 year old male would be interested in a 50 year old female :) Men tend to be superficial, they are generally looking for someone younger, while women are looking for $$$. If you think I'm wrong, just go on a dating sight, use your drivers license photo, and include that your flat...
  5. Dan58

    Why won't guys make a move?

    Speaking for myself, I have guy friends and I'm one of the guys. I wouldn't want a wife or girlfriend who was one of the guys. We are all crude and idiotic.
  6. Dan58

    Why won't guys make a move?

    Maybe your not making yourself approachable? Guys fear rejection too, so maybe they don't ask because they presume the answer would be; "Take a hike freak".. Who knows, but I'd just say, don't express a desire for a "deep relationship". That's scary to a person who just wants to gradually get...
  7. Dan58

    is true humility possible?

    I agree, humility may be an attitude that's reflected in our actions. When Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites, their respond was bold, arrogant, defensive, and angry. Just the opposite of a humble person. Pride makes a person conceited. The opposite would be; "Then he called for a light, and...
  8. Dan58

    is true humility possible?

    I don't think denying yourself makes you humble? Being humble is more about what you do, rather than how you feel about yourself. JMO
  9. Dan58

    Heavy heart, and suicidal thoughts.

    For now, I'd try to be content with that.. Since you were never married and she was awarded full custody, it would be difficult and expensive to change the current arrangement. Its just the repercussions of doing things out of order, but since you can't change the past and can't control the...
  10. Dan58

    Wife gets pregnant, now wants to leave me.

    A trial separation might be helpful. She's obviously taking you for granted and disregards your feelings, she may need a psychiatrist. Love is a 2 way street, but your traveling down a one way road. Letting her go might be hard, but it could be best in the long run. It takes 2 to make a marriage...
  11. Dan58

    How do we withstand Loneliness?

    The best way to withstand loneliness is to hang around people who drive you nuts. Marry someone who's a habitual complainer, hang with people who require constant help, make friends with needy people who use you, surround yourself with high maintenance people who take responsibility for...
  12. Dan58

    "You can't make this stuff up!"

    I have a Dog Grooming business, and one day I came into the shop and saw my Groomer standing there in her underwear. She said that whenever her uniform got wet bathing a dog, she took it off to dry it with a hair dryer. At first I got a little upset and started to lecture her on how...
  13. Dan58

    The Bible, the Promised Land, and the Quran

    Galatians 3:29 is more of a spiritual promise, the preceding verse 26 says; "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus". The promise isn't referring to land, but salvation to everyone including Gentiles; "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is...
  14. Dan58

    If You've Ever Sought Help for a Problem, Was it Really of Very Much Help?

    Recommending someone go somewhere else for help isn't being much help. (i.e; I need help painting my house.. Call a painter). That's advice, but its not offering any direct help. Generally, when I express a problem, I get an opinion in response, and everyone has an opinion. The best help is when...
  15. Dan58

    gays and heaven

    There won't be any heterosexual people in heaven either. :)
  16. Dan58

    gays and heaven

    A Gay person can get to heaven, but it would be difficult if they never repent by living the gay life. e.g; Will a thief get to heaven while robbing a bank? hmm
  17. Dan58


    Maybe its because Satan doesn't care until people get gloriously saved, he then attacks in full force sowing doubt & anguish. Our adversary is a critical spirit, he's our accuser who brings our failures to light (Revelation 12:10). The best attack against a believer is self-condemnation.
  18. Dan58

    Lord Jesus Help me! Don't leave me this way!!!!!!!

    Sin isn't conquered in a day, it can take a long time to over-come some things. That's why Jesus told Peter to forgive someone 7x70 times (Matthew 18: 21&22). God does the same with us as long as we're repentant.
  19. Dan58

    Marriage...expensive or just the wedding?

    I'd agree with this, going to a Justice of the Peace won't break your budget.. Its the wedding gown, rings, bridesmaid dresses, open bar, food, music, reception hall rental, and all that stuff that's expensive. You can save money by eloping to Vegas for a weekend and having an Elvis impersonator...
  20. Dan58

    Supporting your husband (who is a pastor)

    I'm not a Pastor's wife, but I'd tell him he's not an entertainer or playing to an audience per se. He should preach and teach whatever and where ever the Spirit leads him. He might be feeling inadequate because the church is not growing, but sermons can't always be uplifting and feel-good...