Search results

  1. Calmador

    Husbands love your wives?

    Biblically, how should we love a wife? I know... as Christ loved the Church. How about specific examples? What things Jesus did for the Church specifically? (e.i. Jesus was willing to die for "her") I sometimes wonder about how I'll treat her when I get married... I've been thinking about...
  2. Calmador

    Job that requires dicipline

    So, there me an opportunity coming up for me. I need to change my sleeping pattern... and keep it that way. Please pray I can wake up early everyday from now on and have that discipline. And for G-d to make me diligent... and the hardest working man I can possible be... and the smartest working...
  3. Calmador

    Tough questions? Some people can be anti-christian?

    I remember when I was a teenager that I heard negative things said to Christians. Here's something I saw that helped me think through the negative things... I remember a kid who got in a fight. I don't know how the fight started. But, all he did was block the punches... then the kid fell to...
  4. Calmador

    What do G-dly women look for in men??

    Yes, there's a billion threads... but People update their thoughts and advice and... there has to be an opposite thread for "What do men look for in women?" thread. It had to be done. What do G-dly women look for in men?
  5. Calmador

    Please pray I do good on my finals

    Its finals week and I'm studying non-stop. I know its not the most important thing... but pray for God's will and ask if A's can be in his will. lol Thanks
  6. Calmador

    Praise the Lord

    Just praise God... he gives us so much... this day.. the small accomplishes of the day. We have a world, family... but most importantly an opportunity to be with God.. even if all things are terrible.. he is the greatest thing that there is and we have the privilege of being with him. PTL
  7. Calmador

    Testimony from a youtube person

    Thought I'd share this youtube testimony.
  8. Calmador

    Share random advice about dating

    Recently came across some random advice... and figured I shared it. 1. If you want to see how a person will be like (treat you) if you married them. Study how they treat their family members because people can treat you EXTRA nicely (fake) for a while, but they won't do that for their...
  9. Calmador

    *About homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Great videos here, please watch everyone*

    Hey everyone, I found this video on homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Some great points were made and I think everyone in the church should know such points. Aside from what was said in the video... I'd add Homosexuality hurts God and those who...
  10. Calmador

    If you look up to the sky... God moves verse

    I'm looking for the verse that says the title... something to that respect... my google searching skills weren't good enough. However, I remember someone telling me about this verse and I asking him/her for the verse and reading the verse. Also, I believe the verse was in the context of...
  11. Calmador

    The way some women tend to see evangelizing First of all, I haven't seen the show much at all. However, this video shows what I think. There are women in the church... and men too (more so women from my experience) who want to avoid the idea of God's judgment on sin or hell. When you tell...
  12. Calmador

    Bible College student

    I just enrolled into a Bible college... please pray that God teaches me in the classroom... I trust the Bible college but pray always appreciated. I feel like it's a biggish step for me. Thanks
  13. Calmador

    Biblical college search advice?

    I'm looking for a Bible college. I imagine some of you on this forum have some experience with searching for a Bible college. Any good Bible college search sites? Or some advice? I'm looking for one specifically in Souther California... have my eye on veritus evangilical seminary. To make it...
  14. Calmador

    For God to use me to influence my brother

    My brother has serious personal issues. I made a trip out of the country just to see him and talk some sense to him. Please pray that God uses me greatly , thanks
  15. Calmador

    Prayer for my family, especially my brother

    My family is going through a crisis right now. My big brother has issues with his girlfriend or ex... that's being decided at the moment. They have been both acting out wrongly towards each other.. my brother cheated on her. She has scratched his face and stolen important documents to...
  16. Calmador

    Is joy or pleasure without God a sin?

    For example, is it sinful to enjoy a delicious lunch without giving God the glory for the lunch's taste? Thanks
  17. Calmador

    Calmador and Buff_Old_Guy - public aology to whom it may concern

    This sort of feels not as authentic as it would if I asked specific people forgiveness but I haven't been keeping track of usernames so I'm doing this. To start off, I know that there's been times I've been a bit aggressive towards some people in arguments. Sometimes I've used sensitive words...
  18. Calmador

    Attracting Someone, Manipulating Someone, and Convincing Someone?

    Imagine if you were interested in someone, often times, you may want to be more positive around that person... more friendly... more open or accepting of the person. You put your best leg out... Couldn't that be considered manipulating? It's clear if you think of a player who is charming a...
  19. Calmador

    Writing a letter or jornal for your future wife/husband to give on the wedding day

    The first time I heard about this from a girl... I was very impressed. I thought it was one of the most romantic gestures someone can do. I believe she was writing a journal for her husband to give to him on their wedding day. I've been thinking of about it. :D What do you guys think about the...
  20. Calmador

    Women and manipulation...

    It seems a lot of women like to lie and manipulation. While on one hand, I think its obvious that women tend to be focused on relationships which can be great if done so in a Godly way. On the other hand, if God is not in that... then women will lie and manipulate to get their relationship...