Search results

  1. Calmador

    The problem with attracting "ALL" women?

    So, I noticed a thread titled.. "how to attract women"... something like that which I'm guessing implies... all women. And it's not just this thread, I've seen the idea of attracting all women everywhere, outside of christian dating as-well, and I can't help but think there's something wrong...
  2. Calmador

    For Jackie

    For Jackie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today’s her day Soon a girl whom I’ve long since been Will make a Birthday wish today Soon a girl that’s seventeen Will met me at a place I call The Cabana Cay Meet there and Chat from time to time She wouldn’t know But, I call her spell...
  3. Calmador

    Poetry tips???

    So, I recently written a few poems before and I think I see a glimmer of hope for improvement in writing poems. What advise would you poet people give a casual-beginner poet?
  4. Calmador

    Joining a philosophy club

    Hey everyone, I'm joining a philosophy club and while I'm a fan of philosophy I've seen that some of members are not fond of Christians. Please pray for me in the conflict that may happen. I can probably philosophically stand my ground, however, I hope it's done in a Godly way. Thank you
  5. Calmador

    BRB, AFK or anything like this...

    This has probably been suggested already, but BRB, AFK, etc. signs for the chatroom users may be useful. Thanks
  6. Calmador

    What's your favorite Christian band?

    ^^^ Title says it all.
  7. Calmador

    Notification settings?

    Can you make it so that you receive notifications for replies?
  8. Calmador

    Wedding Ring Ideas?

    I'm NOT engaged. Anyways... Every now or then I think way to far into the future... like naming my future two sons (Abel and Joseph) and think about future stuff. Anyways, it seems some think a simple ring is good, for example, a gold ring only, no diamonds. On the other hand... some girls dig...
  9. Calmador

    Modesty, Modesty... Modesty!

    I just hate how theres a such thing as a bikini... and shorts for women in general are too short. If its 3 inches above the knee... thats far enough. Leggings are trashy. I don't like girls who wear tight clothes. It shows them to be cheap and trashy. I don't want to marry a trashy woman. I...
  10. Calmador

    Job - Interview/ Test

    Please pray I do good on a test I'm going to take for a job. Thank you =]
  11. Calmador

    Prayer for Interview

    I feel a bit bad for asking (I imagine there are more important prayers)... but I got an interview for a job tomorrow. Please pray that God uses it for his glory firstly (regardless of what happens) and request that me getting the job be a part of that... thanks :)
  12. Calmador

    Woman should not teach or assume authority over men (applies to secular????)

    1 Timothy 2:11-1511 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a...
  13. Calmador

    The sin of being Effeminate (Jobs/Careers)

    1 Corinthians 6:9 (KJV) 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, So, I was wondering if this goes as far as careers and jobs. For...
  14. Calmador

    Anbody with a Bible/Theology/Apologetics education... help?

    So, I want to become an apologist. Although I honestly believe I have potential to make a career out of it via... writing books and being a speaker... I'd be content with being a resource at my local church and answering questions that the high school youth may have. Note: I have a back-up...
  15. Calmador

    Need Prayer for more of God

    I just need to be more closer to God and need his direction. Thank you
  16. Calmador

    Prayer for life in general

    My spiritual life... being obedient to God Relationships in general... just me having a better relationship with Church, family and friends and that they getting closer to Christ. MY college life... Better discipline and that God be glorified in what I study. That's it, thanks.
  17. Calmador

    Traditional Family: Husband works and Wife is a stay at home mom.

    I'd definitely like this structure for a family. I was personally raised by a stay at home mom and I think its a beautiful and invaluable thing for kids. Mom's love is not the same as Dad's love. And I want that for my kids. I think its sad that modern culture has taken moms out of the homes...
  18. Calmador


    Just prayer for my general spiritual growth, pure mind, more humility and a college trig test. Thanks
  19. Calmador


    I remember when I was in High School... this was sorta important to me. What do you guys think of popularity? ANNNNND what do you think God thinks of it? :)
  20. Calmador

    Rock Sign

    I was on a sidewalk and I prayed for 5 minutes for which way to go, I had two choices, going left or right to do certain things ... a rock out of nowhere...seemed to come out of literally thin air rolled towards left (on a street road in front of me). I thought someone threw it... looked around...