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  1. Calmador

    Pray for God to use me this week

    Hi I'm going away to a camp trip where I'll be serving as a camp counselor (aka babysitter) to look after some fosters kids. Please pray that God makes me the best me for them. Thank you
  2. Calmador

    Pray about my prayer haha

    Hi, I've been given an opperunity to lead part of a prayer service. Please pray that God leads me in my leading a small section of the prayer service. Thank you. I'm gonna lead off a prayer topic... nothing to worry about but I want God's blessing for this, even though its small.
  3. Calmador

    Pray for spiritual life and school work

    This is my last week of college, pray I don't get overwhelmed by stress and I do well on my exams, and my spiritual life
  4. Calmador

    Pray for spiritual life and school work

    Please pray for spiritual life and school work. Thank you
  5. Calmador

    Give advice: POTENTIALLY dating a non-Christian

    So, I asked a girl out that I'm not sure is Christian. This was in the context of college classes. Before I asked her out, I covertly tested to see if she was Christian. I mentioned God and that I was taking a theology class at a bible college. She didn't react in a way to indicate that she...
  6. Calmador

    Against Calvinism: God (Jesus) did not know...

    I think this post is against Calvinism in that Calvinism has an emphasis on God's power such as knowing the future. Matthew 24:36 "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. I can see two possibilities. Jesus had no God-power at...
  7. Calmador

    Pray for general life

    Life in general is not 100%, please pray for my spiritual life and life in general. Thank you
  8. Calmador

    School studies and Spiritual growth

    Hey, Please pray I obey God, that I treasure his word. Also, pray I do well in my studies and tests.
  9. Calmador

    Pray for obidience

    Just for me to obey God's word and spiritual growth.
  10. Calmador

    Using God and the bible to deify American/Western values

    The title says it all. I sometimes suspect and definitely think that American/Western values are upheld and deified by the use of God or the bible. I have heard pastors talk a lot about boldness. I even heard the term "Godly boldness", "You just need to be more bold with your faith." Or how...
  11. Calmador

    Prayer for dicipline to obey God

    Thanks a lot
  12. Calmador

    "You want to hang out?"

    So, I was talking to someone about dating a while ago. We talked about how some guys say "you want to hang out?" She commented saying that she did not like that men ask her to hang out. I responded by saying, maybe he wants to be friends first, figure you out. She said she still did not like...
  13. Calmador

    What is the only reason mankind can be loved. Help?

    The image of God. I think that's the only reason why mankind can be loved. It is not because mankind is stronger, smart, or anything. Also, I believe that the image of the beast replaces the image of God in man, right? If so, I think that supports my thoughts. Scripture support and thoughts?
  14. Calmador

    What is the ultimate or multiple ultimate bible/theology resources?

    Besides God... I know this is demanding, but is there maybe an online bible source that has all that you can possibly know about the bible? I know there are free bible resources. I know there are paid bible software. (i.e. logos software) I guess the real question is this, besides bible...
  15. Calmador

    Sovereignty: Essentially sovereign and unnecessarily sovereign.

    There's a difference between essential... and unnecessary. For example, in order for me to have livable life... one might argue I only need the following: 1. Shelter, bathroom 2. Food and water 3. Job 4. Transportation - walking, bike etc. ^ Maybe, I missed something? That's beside the point...
  16. Calmador

    Against Calvinism: God reacts to mankind. God asks mankind.

    I've heard Calvinists say that God does not react to mankind, yet this happens in the bible (prayer being a clear example). There's also a place where God asks a man what he'd like him to do for man. Genesis 18:25 "Far be it from You to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked...
  17. Calmador

    A WIN FOR ARMENIANISM: God gave mankind freewill

    Genesis 3:6-7 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they...
  18. Calmador

    Prayer for my life in general.

    Just my general spiritual well being... not sinning... and school, goals, work, life, family and friends. Thank you
  19. Calmador

    Arminianism or Calvinism... G-d's character or power?

    I watched a video (It's worth a watch: that made a point which seems so fundamental in regards to the tensions between Arminians and Calvinists that I just need bring it up. The point that was made was that Arminians considers G-d's character as...
  20. Calmador

    What's wrong with Calvinism? (Video)

    I just wanted to share this video. I literally just watched all of it and... wow, the end totally hit the nail in the head as to why it seems Calvinist and perhaps also what Calvinism is all about. The video seemed very informative. It's long but he keeps it interesting...