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  1. E

    Disgusting LGBT whiner sues heroic Christian baker

    I agree with this . Their business, their right to refuse service to a request which goes against their moral or religious conscience
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    Disgusting LGBT whiner sues heroic Christian baker

    You mean they. Or he or she. Not it. No human being is an it.
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    Epidemic of childless and miserable 40+ women

    it certainly is it's a vocation, a calling and that's why it is not given to every woman Mothers are special
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    Indoctrinated Karen

    good point In 20 years time every one will be fretting over something else
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    Medical Opinion: vaccinated people are a hazard to others

    Eeeek! Thank God most of my friends are vaxxed now!
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    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Exactly. A Christian cannot be plucked out of God's hand. They can choose to reject the faith and God but an outside influence cannot take them..we have the spiritual DNA of Christ the proble m in Paul's day was gnosticism. Is 're an opposite heresy being preached today in some churches . That...
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    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    that kind of emotional blackmail from Cuomo is disgusting . s adly some in the UK have bought into that narrative
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    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I just thank God that Jesus is coming back one day to make it all right for us. Vaxxed or unvaxxed , we will be redeemed and reign with Him one day.
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    The Invention of Homosexuality

    medicine is witchcraft? Maybe but Jesus blood does cover that sin and we are no longer in condemnation. However I do agree that medicine can have undesirable side effects so I kind of agree with you about the effect it can have on society
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    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I do agree it should be a choice . I hate the way some people feel pressured to give up their personal rights I wish there was a way governments in countries would listen to us ..writing petitions would be great but I bet they'd get thrown out what does upset me is those who complain about...
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    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    wouldn't go o about it?.well I don't . Even if I did, people are going to make their own choices. My friends are people who think for themselves and do what is best for them.. which is as it should be. I rarely read the news of worry much about it I just do what I can to survive and make my...
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    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    of course! You don't owe anyone an explanation, it's not their business. They may be curious but it doesn't affect them remember we aren't answerable to others . we obey God.
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    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    You can delete those comments, I think. I deleted comments I made from yt. Or just let it go. It's the past and f orgiven. I doubt many people will read the old comments anyway
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    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    Doesn't mean YT can't be used for good.
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    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    Ah, I see. Maybe keep it up then? if you've confessed your sins to God He has forgiven it . Move on.
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    Deception. Where do we draw the line?

    yes and they believe God is a harsh taskmaster who condemns when that isn't the truth for those born again
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    Deception. Where do we draw the line?

    there are boarding schools yes. Not everyone gets chance to go. It depends on the circumstance I don't believe God would want us to judge someone who coped with a horrendous situation as a teenager. God is love. Judgement and condemnation aren't for believer As Don Francisco says (for us...
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    Deception. Where do we draw the line?

    yes but also need psychotherapy for the complex PTS D from the abuse if it has affected them. All so illnesses like borderline personality disorder narcissistic personality disorder and munchausens syndrome are linked to abuse and my friend had some of these diagnoses. I am not saying that's...