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  1. KhedetOrthos

    Are the pagan deities 'real'?

    ...for the same reason people worship satan today, I suppose. I’ve never really understood the mindset.
  2. KhedetOrthos

    Online Computer Science Degree

    Online, it’s hard to say. I would probably pick whichever one was cheapest. Unless you’re going Ivy League law or business, bachelors degrees have pretty much become a commodity.
  3. KhedetOrthos

    No more Pig Meat!

    “The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. 3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you...
  4. KhedetOrthos

    No more Pig Meat!

    Read it. Your argument is with Him, not me.
  5. KhedetOrthos

    No more Pig Meat!

    Genesis 9:3. The verse that gives permission to eat meat actually refers back to the vegetarian diet God gave in the garden.
  6. KhedetOrthos

    No more Pig Meat!

    The point being that whether or not the command applies to gentiles is irrelevant. A real biblical diet would be vegan, Genesis predates Leviticus by a bit.
  7. KhedetOrthos

    I think I’m gay

    I’m going to tell you something that you aren’t going to hear much. It’s going to be difficult to hear, but it’s the truth. Murder and homosexuality are the two worst behaviors any human being can engage in. This is because they not only are contrary to God’s law, but because they are moves...
  8. KhedetOrthos

    Be consciously aware of one-eye face pics.

    Absolutely. In fact, if anyone has anything with this symbol in their possession, you might want to give it to me for safe keeping.
  9. KhedetOrthos

    No more Pig Meat!

    Pork was considered unclean because it, processed outside of modern methods, literally is. The pork tapeworm causes neurocystercosis in people and is the number one cause of acquired epilepsy on earth.
  10. KhedetOrthos


    “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who...
  11. KhedetOrthos

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    ...what makes you think they need you to preach to them? Particularly since you say that they have more fruit in their lives than you did?
  12. KhedetOrthos

    Has 'a Personal Relationship with Jesus' eclipsed 'Justification by Faith Alone'?

    You realize that these ”Jesuses” aren’t mutually exclusive, right? That although he trampled down death by death, that does not exempt us from giving an accounting of ourselves to him? That is perhaps the important thing that has been lost in the Jesus is my buddy/boyfriend movement.
  13. KhedetOrthos

    Are the pagan deities 'real'?

    Some are likely demons. For instance, Al-Ilah, the Arabic moon god and Quetzalcoatl the flying Mexican serpent god. Others like the Flying Spaghetti Monster the atheists use are fiction.
  14. KhedetOrthos

    A Prayer for Doctors and Nurses

    Nursing home care is questionable in the best of times. Typically such places are run on shoestring budgets and don’t attract the most talented workers.
  15. KhedetOrthos

    A Prayer for Doctors and Nurses

    Thanks, appreciate it...
  16. KhedetOrthos

    Hey Question

    Every Sunday, we pray the following during the litany in our communal prayer... Link “For a Christian ending to our life: painless, blameless, peaceful, and a good defense before the dread Judgment Seat of the Lord, let us pray.” The chanters and parishoners respond with the first fifteen...
  17. KhedetOrthos

    Church Culture and Covid-19

    He was joking. In typical enemy media fashion, they misreported.
  18. KhedetOrthos

    Why are there so many Christians in Lebanon and Iraq and other Arab Countries?

    ...because all these lands had large Christian populations before they were invaded by Muslim Arabs. Even Iran had a large Christian population. Converting to Christianity from Islam is a death sentence under Shariah; being Christian from birth simply allows you to live either be killed or...
  19. KhedetOrthos


    I’ve read the Pickthall and Yusuf Ali translations cover to cover. Have you read the New Testament cover to cover? The differences are self evident.