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  1. KhedetOrthos


    ...not going to find that in the Koran.
  2. KhedetOrthos

    "There's someone out there for everyone"

    Most of our relationship problems are the result of men searching for Miss America ... while women search for that perfect combination of Indiana Jones, Ghandhi, Steve Jobs, and the Pope.
  3. KhedetOrthos

    Hey Question

    “All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Matthew 24:8 ”But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:13-14 “Then there will be great tribulation, such as...
  4. KhedetOrthos

    Church Culture and Covid-19

    When we saw patients with certain communicable diseases, we did. What was different was we didn’t have an infectious disease starting to circulate in society, spread through droplets and aerosols, with such a long period (12 days) before all infected patients showed symptoms. The number for...
  5. KhedetOrthos

    Combat PTSD

    I’m retired Army, but my MOS never put me in combat, so while I haven’t experienced it directly, I’ve spoken to soldiers who suffer from it. I don’t think it is the product of demon possession. I will say this, though...I’m young enough not to have much experience with World War 2 veterans...
  6. KhedetOrthos

    Lets laugh together!

    As a band of squirrels had become quite a problem, the Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation. After much prayer and consideration, they concluded that the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine...
  7. KhedetOrthos

    So many anti charismatic smear jobs allowed?

    It’s likely that Linus was the head of the first Roman church. Much of what you find objectionable in the Roman Catholic Church is very young, relatively speaking...much of it coming within the few hundred years before and after Trent, some of it as recent as 200 years ago.
  8. KhedetOrthos

    So many anti charismatic smear jobs allowed?

    That’s not possible; Simon Magus died 800-900 years before the RCC was founded. His false religion of Simonianism died out in the late 300s AD.
  9. KhedetOrthos

    Christianity: Eastern and Western Perspective

    I may be able to assist, as a former Protestant who became Eastern Orthodox. But I don’t really know what the question is...
  10. KhedetOrthos

    Who All Would Like to See a Matchmaking Thread Here in Singles?

    I don’t know that we anti-drama people assemble. We just hunker down in our foxholes hiding from the pro-drama people.
  11. KhedetOrthos

    What is your "Quarantine Nickname"

    You realize fruit cake isn’t actually meant to be eaten, merely regifted... Sleepy Ice Cream Raisins aren’t meant to be eaten either.
  12. KhedetOrthos

    Trump - puppet or savior?

    That’s precisely what he should have done. Immediate, aggressive action to STOP the transmission of disease. Quarantine predates our constitution by oh, several thousand years. Sixteen Old Testament references alone. Instead, we have a pseudo quarantine. Flights stopped from China, but not...
  13. KhedetOrthos

    Trump - puppet or savior?

    This is not mass hysteria over a flu bug. Too many GOP voters (I am one myself) have forgotten that thou shalt not worship God and mammon. America as we know it has been rebelling against God for some time now. Over the past decade it has chosen to travel Sodom’s highway to destruction...
  14. KhedetOrthos

    Could Anyone Please Give Advice About What to Say to Someone Who Has Lost a Child?

    I would not focus so much on what to say as on what to do. Only time and God can lighten this specific load. It’s impossible to step forth as Simon of Cyrene did to carry this cross. So try and carry other ones. Deliver meals. Have a gang of men attack his yard together on Saturdays and...
  15. KhedetOrthos


    Like most things in this world, God created it, we corrupted it. Adoption is a complicated thing...and adopted children don‘t magically show up at the Adoptionmart off a container ship.
  16. KhedetOrthos

    How many of you believe COVID 19 is a biological weapon?

    Actually, you’ve hit upon an key point with regards to intentional release. If this was an accident, the Chinese government could have quarantined Wuhan city completely. They did not. They stopped travel from Wuhan to other Chinese provinces, but continued to let infected travelers board...
  17. KhedetOrthos

    Controversial Topics Forum

    Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against his Church. If you are trying to make the case that something like 85% of the churches time on earth was spent defeated by Satan until some guy in the 19th century figured it’s a hard case to make.