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  1. KhedetOrthos

    Do you have to be smart with money to marry

    ...that’s how copper wire is made. Drop a penny between two Dutchmen. :)
  2. KhedetOrthos

    Dating a Christian, not so sure

    if you don’t want to get married, why are you even wasting your time and money dating?
  3. KhedetOrthos

    Is it okay to marry someone just to have children?

    Intentional single parenthood is not a course a Christian should pursue.
  4. KhedetOrthos

    Anyone not going to church because of Corono virus?

    Ours has temporarily switched to a format where the priests, deacons, and chanters physically go, the service is streamed on Facebook, and we participate in the prayer services from home. I’m a bit higher risk than average to catch the thing at work, so I don’t want to accidentally pass it...
  5. KhedetOrthos

    Social Distancing this point, I would probably be happy that (1) she’s getting married and (2) the groom isn’t her cat.
  6. KhedetOrthos

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    Acts Chapter 15: “The Council’s Letter to Gentile Believers 22 Then the apostles and elders, with the whole church, decided to choose some of their own men and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Judas (called Barsabbas) and Silas, men who were leaders among the believers...
  7. KhedetOrthos

    Do you have to be smart with money to marry

    It is the responsibility of a man to provide for his wife and family. He should be the primary breadwinner. A woman’s primary job is to stay home and take care of the kids. This doesn’t mean that she can’t engage in some income generating activity in her spare time should she desire to do so...
  8. KhedetOrthos

    Eschatological and Millennial Theories and their problems.

    Accurate Eschatology: Jesus is coming back. He'll tell us what He's going to do next when he gets here. Matthew 24 is a view of this single event from the earthly perspective, Revelation 19 from a heavenly perspective. That's really about all there is to it. Beyond that, we need to be...
  9. KhedetOrthos

    What is your favorite sport and why?

    Baseball. Used to be football, but its not the same game it once was. Like the XFL though, it's a throwback to a more pure form of the game.
  10. KhedetOrthos

    Would you be willing to wait for the person you like/love for 10 years?

    No, but I'd be willing to work for them for seven... all seriousness, ten years late in life is a significant commitment. If you're 58, turning 68 isn't guaranteed. Sometimes, things don't work out because of timing or age. How does something like that even begin to work?
  11. KhedetOrthos

    How is your relationship with your parents?

    Neither of my parents is a Christian; my father passed away years ago. We never really got along after my conversion. My mother and I get along well enough I suppose, although she is now of an age where she needs a lot of help and refuses to leave the town she lived in (halfway across the...
  12. KhedetOrthos

    School Survey Asks 6th Graders If They're Transgender, 'Non-Binary,' Pansexual

    If you are sending your children to American public schools in 2020, expect them to grow up to abandon the faith and become atheists or socialists. These institutions exist for that purpose. The hour of Sunday school a week they get won’t be enough to balance the forty hours of indoctrination...
  13. KhedetOrthos


    One or the major flaws of modern Christianity is that God wants us to be rich, healthy, and happy. Millions of Christian martyrs would disagree. God wants us to be faithful. In your case, since you aren’t being betrayed or abused, that involves staying in your marriage. That is your cross...
  14. KhedetOrthos


    One thing that has helped me is that we are not to behave in such a way as to make our brother or sister stumble. So we must not use our resources in such a way as to give them occasions to covet.
  15. KhedetOrthos

    Rapture Top Dogs Admit no Proof Exists

    Hey, it worked for Leo the IXth in 1054, and I suppose Dr. Luther wasn’t about to be outdone by another German...
  16. KhedetOrthos

    The Millennium is a Pharisee Doctrine can add not wanting to get into the middle of a disagreement between Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement, and Chrysostom to my theological wish list. :) I get very careful about to pronouncements on how things are going to unfold after He gets back.
  17. KhedetOrthos

    Rapture Top Dogs Admit no Proof Exists

    There can’t be two raptures. There have to be either three or seven because biblical numerology. :)
  18. KhedetOrthos

    Rapture Top Dogs Admit no Proof Exists

    OKAAAaaaaay. So we just make scripture say what we need for it to say? ...unfortunately a lot of what goes on under the banner of Christianity today from “God wants you to be rich and healthy” to “we’re not going to have to go through the tribulation” gains a willing audience from people who...
  19. KhedetOrthos

    Rapture Top Dogs Admit no Proof Exists

    1. That message is specifically addressed to the Bishop of Philadelphia “7 “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:” 2. You realize there is more than one way to keep you from the hour of trial, and most of them don’t include this secret rapture.