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  1. Guardian1970

    The Bible is Truth

    There is a movement going on to try and call what is good evil and evil good. It has been for a while. For them to be successful they must try and remove any obstacles, that includes the Word or God. There is evil trying to openly and subtly cast doubt if possible on the very foundation of...
  2. Guardian1970

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    That is funny and true, thank you for sharing that. Don’t get me wrong. Every day is a fight, a renewing through the grace of God. The flesh is there just waiting to snap you back. Those temptations will come. The more you feed your Spirit with His word and prayer with the help from God...
  3. Guardian1970

    Do we have to love our enemies in order to be saved?

    The first one was perfect for its time and reason, to show man he is a sinner and unable to obey.
  4. Guardian1970

    Do we have to love our enemies in order to be saved?

    you are correct be in it but not part of it It is biblical when I am trying to show whoever it was that I’f you love someone as Jesus said, keep my commandments. If we love God with the love described in the greatest commandment that cannot be done in the flesh. It is only done through...
  5. Guardian1970

    Do we have to love our enemies in order to be saved?

    Apparently, I may not replying correctly on threads. I first started talking to I don’t know exactly how to use the board thing still learning.
  6. Guardian1970

    Do we have to love our enemies in order to be saved?

    Then why do you say it is ok to live in sin as the world does who he set you free from and punch Him in the eye like the world?
  7. Guardian1970

    Do we have to love our enemies in order to be saved?

    Then you have not read the Bible, it is written, the measure you give is the measure you get. Mathew 18 21-35. “Not seven times, but seventy-seven times. The kingdom of heaven is like the king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten...
  8. Guardian1970

    Do we have to love our enemies in order to be saved?

    Now brother and sisters here is the best part, God would let you do that to Him, but are you truly sorry then if you keep doing it? Are you sorry cause you got caught or truly sorry cause you know and love him. I’f you love Him why would you do it? If you don’t love him then you don’t know...
  9. Guardian1970

    Do we have to love our enemies in order to be saved?

    If I say I am your friend, and I come and see you today and for no reason punch you hard right in the eye and then say sorry. You may forgive me. If I come back the next day and punch you in the other eye and say sorry and walk away. Would you allow me to come see you and get close the next...
  10. Guardian1970

    Quid est Veritas?

    Once man used language as a barrier, to control people, manipulate them and hide the truth. Now is the time that the call is going out to all who would hear come wash your garments and prepare! Go through all the lands and seek those who would come and join in the feast. Because those who...
  11. Guardian1970

    Quid est Veritas?

    Jesus taught I am the Way and the truth and the life. He is that and so much more. So what is truth? No idle words are ever spoken. Love, love is truth and true. Love will make people climb the highest mountain, sell everything or give everything to have it. They have written books...
  12. Guardian1970

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    I think you are right it does present an opertunity if you go two miles to preach. I think though why two miles? Because a person who does it because they are told fo will only do one. Because their heart is not in it. A person who does it from his heart born out of love will go as far as...
  13. Guardian1970

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Martin13, Thank you first for being cordial and decent and subtle . I do have another question for you. Because you still haven’t answered my last one, why are you here? Now you state “god” has put it to your heart to seek the truth, and not accept anything at face value, then why do you...
  14. Guardian1970

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    For those who want to test and then say. But it is written, that He did not come to abolish the law but fulfill it!!! What say you? The Pharisees came and tested Jesus about divorce. Do you remember His reply? Why did Moses give that law to the people? The reasons why Jesus said what he...
  15. Guardian1970

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    I Corrected below, I apologize, I misread it the first time and thought you said, John stated (do) as I say. What you stated about John 3:16 you did still misrepresented, He makes an offer out of love and you change the words to make Him look like an dictator! Correction, you said (believe) not...
  16. Guardian1970

    Matthew 5:39 Why would God command us to not resist evil?

    Are you here to truly understand or try to cause a riff? What you stated about John 3:16 you misrepresented, He makes an offer out of love and you change the words to make Him look like an dictator! Do what I say or heaven is withheld? If people could do what God asked, not told them, His Son...
  17. Guardian1970

    Do we have to love our enemies in order to be saved?

    Your pastor was wrong, Jesus as He left the Mount of Olives and ascended gave the Apostles charge to go and preach the gospel throughout the world, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to OBEY EVERYTHING I HAVE commanded you, surly I...
  18. Guardian1970

    How Hard Is It To Ask Forgiveness? And To Whom Do We Ask?

    Think of it this way brothers and sisters, when I forgive those who sin against me, it does release them from sin, but moreover it keeps me humble and releases me being forgiven by God for my sin. Remember, the measure you give, is the measure you get! How many times should I forgive? How...