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  1. Guardian1970

    Unity in the Church

    Interesting, I would say there is no logistics too large for God. I would also say, The body of believers, which are in the one body of Christ, born again of One Spirit, is the Church.
  2. Guardian1970

    I desire Mercy and not Sacrifice

    My Lord quoted Hosea 6:6 For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings. When He said as written in Matthew 9:13, I desire mercy and not sacrifice. He was addressing the religious who were judging him for healing on the Sabbath and for eating with...
  3. Guardian1970

    This is The Way

    This is the Way Shabbat Shalom Hello brother and sisters, both inside and outside the body. The times and season I believe we can all agree is clear. Mathew 24:32. I am moved in Spirit to write i feel an urgency to say these things. It is time to take what is God’s and proclaim it. The...
  4. Guardian1970

    Unity in the Church

    Unity in the Body of Christ How we lack unity in the “church” and where does that comes from? Many are asking that today brothers and sisters. I being in unity with God, by the grace of God, and having fellowship of being bound in and of the same Spirit as Paul and Peter, Moses and Daniel to...
  5. Guardian1970

    Should women teach, should you?

    Brothers and Sisters, Remember this too, when you come together as in the days of old, it is not just to debate, in fact let us not use that word. It is more so to evaluate what we believe we have learned from God. Whom reveals Himself to whom He wills. It is more so to praise God for what...
  6. Guardian1970

    Should women teach, should you?

    Please understand when I say gather together even if it is virtual, the key is to come together and share, learn from another, discuss and debate. Just as the first disciples did. We do not know whom God has chosen to save, and who he has not. Whom God has raised up to speak His truth and...
  7. Guardian1970

    Should women teach, should you?

    Great stuff all!! I see many of you do hear and see. It is a reflection of marriage, it is a reflection of the church and the head of it. Being one church body/bride with one Master, Teacher and Father. Remember though, we are called to come together not only for witnessing, but to seek all...
  8. Guardian1970

    Should women teach, should you?

    Great stuff all!! I see many of you do hear and see. It is a reflection of marriage, it is a reflection of the church and the head of it. Being one church body/bride with one Master, Teacher and Father. Remember though, we are called to come together not only for witnessing, but to seek all...
  9. Guardian1970

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Brother old Major :) I like what you stated below and will add my comments below your two statements for review. This is why you stated “I will give you what I think is the reason behinds God's direction.” 1. The creation order is the first reason Paul gives for prohibiting women from...
  10. Guardian1970

    Should women teach, should you?

    Should women teach? This has been talked about and argued a lot. Let me ask these questions for you to ponder, before you read on. Why would men argue women are not worthy to teach? On what basis? So the first question is, should YOU teach? Who gives YOU authority to teach? Who makes...
  11. Guardian1970

    Friendships with People with Opposite Political Views

    Thank you for that, it is a sad history which is true, even today the political agenda does not seem to lend voice to us. Most of us are wiser about race yet, how wise? I am just asking our brothers and sisters to remember and set aside their faith in man. Account for who their faith is...
  12. Guardian1970

    Christianity Today

    Brothers and Sisters, Take heart and Do not be dismayed, for this purpose have these words come. If they offend you then repent and seek the face of God through His Christ. If your heart is right you will find Him. If you are still angry then why? Because the money and riches you have...
  13. Guardian1970

    Christianity Today

    The Church Brothers and Sisters, I being a sinner, know that I am worthy of only one thing, death. The law is plain to state this, Jesus echoed the wages of sin are death. If the law were not applicable then why would Christ say this? If I have earned death. Then how great is the gift of...
  14. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Remember this, Christ laid down His life, no one took it from him. That is why in the garden when the centurions and Chief priest showed up to “capture him”. He wanted them to say His name so that he could just give them a gentle tap of reality. They fell backwards. Why? Because he spoke...
  15. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Journeyman, You stated: God doesn't transfer sin from one person to another. Nor does God punish the innocent in place of the guilty. Jesus bore mankinds sins because contradicting him, lying about him, not believing him, humiliating him, spitting on him, beating him and killing him for a...
  16. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Journeyman, You stated: God doesn't transfer sin from one person to another. Nor does God punish the innocent in place of the guilty. Jesus bore mankinds sins because contradicting him, lying about him, not believing him, humiliating him, spitting on him, beating him and killing him for a...
  17. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Very well might have been why :)
  18. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Thank you for pointing that out, things can definitely get lost in translation. If someone does not seek to ensure they understand the meaning. They instead Take things at face value and not seeking the root. Whether Translation from Greek to English, from Hebrew to English, from flesh to...
  19. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    As is anyone who seeks the face of God sister for I am the greatest of sinners and least of the Kingdom. Yeay though, by the grace of God alone I am of the Kingdom.
  20. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Another says he became sin. 2 Corinthians 5:21 21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.