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  1. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Amen Brother, very well explained in the first paragraph. Yeah, I wouldn’t use the word attached to say that either. I would say he bore our iniquities, to do that though would require a transfer to him of those things identified. Since he himself never sinned without blemish. This was to...
  2. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Amen sister!! I speak of nothing new under the sun. Well done on the Latin!
  3. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    Amen. I hope, because until someone knows they are wounded they won’t seek the physician to heal them. It took me a long time to get here sister, but it wasn’t me, but God’s timing. I am nothing before Him.
  4. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    Brothers and sisters is the sword of God not double edged? A blessing for one and a curse for another? The identification of the way has begun so that in the end what is Gods will be Gods and what is not, will not be. That which is not of God will have a great light shines upon it and the...
  5. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    Which is greater? The temple or the Spirit of God? Which one make it Holy? If God is Holy and is able to keep the law. Then if his presence is in the temple the temple too become Holy.
  6. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    I praise God for this day. Support the law and love it!! Because the law comes from God and is, as Christ said, it will be instead now written in our hearts. If you do not live the law, then who do you love? The law was given to convict the flesh of its nature. So that man would repent and...
  7. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    Your are right brother it is, but if a man has a heart of flesh. He sometimes will go to the step of treating him like a tax collector/heathen. Just because they are sinners that aren’t even winning against them. Yet, we have to remember that if they ask for mercy to give it. If they do it...
  8. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Maybe? Maybe not?
  9. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    I think we are saying the same thing here. Barabbas was they symbol of the people. Jesus was in the position of Chief priest and prayed over all the people (scape goat). Who would have the peoples sins removed far away from them by being set free as Barabbas full of sin was set free. Tell me...
  10. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Journeyman, I can understand your thought on what you are saying. I am saying it is because the scapegoat is the spiritual symbol of all the sins being on the people, but set free and removed far away from them.
  11. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    What is the lesson? We, people like to sometimes hold up other people and esteem them to a level that it should not be. In religion we call them, prophets, apostles and puff them up almost to a God like positron forgetting that they no better, or worse then any of us. The difference being...
  12. Guardian1970

    Should the church still believe ?

    I agree, in man and lead by man there is no perfect church. You can look and look, there is no perfect church lead by man. The true church is not of man. It doesn’t know denomination. It is of one faith. One Father, and One teacher/master. It is spiritual and lead by the Holy Spirit...
  13. Guardian1970

    Are Christians more accepting of charlatans then we should be?

    I think you did a great job of providing a summary of issues that did and does exist in places where people claim to be “Christians” and teach about how the Christ. Thank God for opening your eyes and Congrats for leaving it!!
  14. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    On the ego slap note, yes it was not only to humble them but, also to teach the truth of how one must enter the Kingdom of heaven. So it is a lesson to all even us today.
  15. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    Love and Mercy Brothers and Sisters let’s look at Matthew 18 and Luke 9. We note that today many people, especially in the world are at odds. About religion, about race, about politics. Should we who say we Love God with all we are and are not of this world be like them? Divide even amongst...
  16. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Amen, this is nothing new under the son but for some reason few have seen it. I pray now with all the lies being said and thrown into the wind the sword/word of God come to cut through the lies and darkness so that those that are His shall be encouraged to keep the faith and finish the race and...
  17. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Well all glory is God’s he is the one who pours His spirit and word into men to be the imports into the world. For His good purpose and timing. May He set the world on fire and many believe and repent in accordance with the will of God if it be.
  18. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Bible proof Matthew 5 17 Think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. The Bible is a collection of God Spirit filled God and guided writers spanning for over 1500 years. Some people try to use this as an argument along with they are...
  19. Guardian1970

    In the beginning

    In the beginning there was two brothers. One grew crops, the other tended live stock. Both were moved to give a sacrifice/tithing of their best from what was given to them by God back to Him. In honor of what he has done for them. One brother follows the request and his sacrifice was...
  20. Guardian1970

    The Bible is Truth

    Sorry again for the typos, I do this by a phone and we all know how fun it is to try and type on these devices and auto correct thinks for us. Wish we were just all meeting together. I saw something about a messenger program you offer but only have an iPhone and didn’t see the app for it.