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  1. G

    Doomed to be single?

    The life of Jesus and Paul and who knows, maybe John the Baptist don't sound like modern day single life. Having the gift of singleness isn't an easy life, there will be danger involved with such emphasis on the kingdom and winning souls. The gift is not for a life of ease. Peter even had a wife...
  2. G

    Can we discuss... MGTOW?

    MGTOW men aren't taking a vow of celibacy, they're going to get their sex. Celibacy is not normal, it requires a gift for that. There are some that consider themsleves Christian MGTOWs, which is wrong because they need to go God's way, not their own. Options for MGTOWs are fornication...
  3. G

    Doomed to be single?

    This is what singleness has come to mean for many. Do your own thing, go your own way.
  4. G

    Doomed to be single?

    The women are also designed for having children and feel this need strongly, at least they used to. To get married or not comes down to one's ability avoid fornication. If that isn't a problem, then go full bore for the kingdom like Paul, like Jesus. I've only known one person in my like who...
  5. G

    Doomed to be single?

    You should enjoy being single because you can devote your entire life to God's work, like Paul, not because of other things. Are you a missionary? People with this gift don't just avoid marriage, they burn out for the kingdom.
  6. G

    Doomed to be single?

    Exactly right. It is the Bible that is to put pressure on to get married, or to remain single if having the gift to do that. The world will tell you go your own way, do your own thing, but the Bible guides as to seek a spouse or not, and makes the reasons clear.
  7. G

    Doomed to be single?

    What I want to do is help other singles who have been told their lot is the best there is when it isn't. Rampant singleness is hurting churches and society. People like you bullying them into remaining single is disgusting. I heard people muddying clear scripture for decades, I don't know what...
  8. G

    Doomed to be single?

    And I agree with you. Paul wasn't getting into all that. Fornication is not to be named once among us. Naturally, merely getting married is not going to cure lust or sexual deviation, that is a good point you made and the rest of the Bible would bring that out. He probably wasn't answering a...
  9. G

    Doomed to be single?

    Paul knows better than to think most Christians can do that. He was given a gift to do that. A gift reserved for...not many. He is simply being realistic. Saying they would do better to be like him but then lacking the gift to do that is meaningless. Paul made his decision to use his gift of...
  10. G

    Doomed to be single?

    You might be pursuaded but most people can't do that and aren't going to do that. Even after the sexual desire wanes with age, marriage is still going to best because of the companionship. Spirit-filled Christians are able to fulfill the calling of marriage all the way to the end. Let every...
  11. G

    Doomed to be single?

    I agree with you. Paul was very concerned about other people, not just what was best for himself. Paul was revolutionary in his support of marriage and how men ought to treat their wives. Yet some consider him Mr. Single or something. He just wanted what was best for each; some married and some...
  12. G

    Doomed to be single?

    Who cares what I think or anyone else? This issue is clear. You have a Bible. What else is needed? Reading 1 Corinthians 7 without jumping around make it clear. Observing how most people are is clear too. Most people need a spouse and a spouse is a great thing to have. You know all those years...
  13. G

    Church hopping

    Thank you for the clarification! Some here are displaying an all or nothing view of life.
  14. G

    Doomed to be single?

    Married people and single people have a lot more on their plates than worshipping and the Great Commission. We need to work, shower, buy food, take care of ourselves, serve, help our parents, raise our children, go to school, a lot of things and are to workship and carry out the GC all the...
  15. G

    Doomed to be single?

    I was only comparing singleness and marriage. Adam and Eve were created, that established the norm, the default. The Bible says whoever finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord. I am thankful for that. That truth is for singles and married people. Some here give me the...
  16. G

    Doomed to be single?

    We are spiritually complete in Christ but that is not an encouragement to stay single. I know that is tossed around as if it were but that isn't good interpretation. Complete in Christ means you don't need to do anything to earn your salvation, Christ has completed that by living a sinless like...
  17. G

    Church hopping

    Are you saying that Christian women can't marry and worship God at the same time? I seem to sense a real black and white view from some people.
  18. G

    Doomed to be single?

    No. He did not say singleness was better for all, and he acknowledges the troubles of the flesh in marriage. Saying singleness is better for all people has no biblical basis at all. You are oveselling singleness and undervaluing marriage. God needs people to marry, that's his plan for creating...
  19. G

    Doomed to be single?

    That was Christ's decision. He made Paul the way he was. He gifted him for singleness. Being married would have been a disaster. Married people are interested in Christ. We have to love our wives as Christ loved his bride the church. Jesus was looking for a wife, that's essentially why he came...
  20. G

    Doomed to be single?

    Marriage is for the best for most of us. It does not mean one has lesser devotion, we are all called to devotion to God. For me and most others, marriage is the best way to do that. People seem to think Paul was down on marriage. He says those that are married care for the things of the world...