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  1. G

    Doomed to be single?

    You are in the minority, no problem with that, then the Bible declares it is best for YOU to stay single. Some are eunuchs and some don't burn a lot, that is the point. Your direction on what to do comes from your ability to have sexual continency. That is not better or worse than the majority...
  2. G

    Doomed to be single?

    Sure by isolating these verses from the other things Paul said right there you could get the impression he was against marriage. He had the gift of singleness and wish everyone else had but that would be ridiculous. He would be wanting to kill off the world. You must read the whole chapter...
  3. G

    Doomed to be single?

    Just who are the young widows Paul told to get married again suppposed to marry? Marriage has been the divine design since the beginning of creation. That is never going to change. I was single until I was 53 and always felt the church didn't talk about marriage enough, not that they talked...
  4. G

    Doomed to be single?

    Who is saying that marriage and family is the believer's chief calling? Marriage is the default position. Marriage is the grace of life. Most people will do better married, that is the point of 1 Corinthians 7. No where is Paul saying it is better to be single? That's for Paul but he knows it...
  5. G

    Doomed to be single?

    The point is whether a person should be doing this as a distracted burning single person or a married person. Pastor's are not going to soon be staying single so they can better minister, they can better serve as married. That's the decision to make.
  6. G

    Church hopping

    I am in a city of 250,000 so it's not reall big or small but one this was constant, single women were few and far between. Usually just the ones with boyfriends. As one single woman told me when I said hello to her "I'm not single, I have a boyfriend". It was in a singles class. If I was...
  7. G

    Church hopping

    I agree but a person can't sit around and complain about there not being any single people. Time to go somewhere else. I could serve in any church that would let me, but it is silly to stay in a church with no marriage prospects unless you are staying there while at the same time looking around...
  8. G

    Church hopping

    Yes, that's what I'm saying. We are to attend a church but we have the choice of which one. If there are no single people in a particualar church, it is not unspiritual to go to one that might have more, or another and another. At least that's they way I saw it over the 30 years I was alone...
  9. G

    Doomed to be single?

    I don't agree with this. Paul clearly is saying you are to marry if you do not have sexual continency. So while SOME might be able to live single without distraction by their choice for the sake of the kingdom, most people are not able to do that. The choice is not up to us, the choice is to do...
  10. G

    Church hopping

    It's not wrong at all, especially if you need to marry. A different church might afford a better opportunity. It didn't work for me though as wherever I went, the single women didn't. At least not the ones without a boyfriend.
  11. G

    31 and still single/ unmarried

    I have a passion to help people get married, especially single Christians. I know how it is in church today, so much misinformation and why? The Bible is not silent about singleness and marriage. I want to be part of the solution not part of the problem. People are getting married so late now...
  12. G

    Remarriage after divorce?

    Where biblical divorce is allowed, biblical remarriage is assumed. To strap the one who was cheated on with not being able to marry is double jeopardy.
  13. G

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    I got married at 53 after a long 30-year drought of a relationship. No, it wasn't from a prison sentence. I knew I could't handle singleness. What does the Bible tell you to do? That's the voice you need to listen to. I know what you're going through. If you need to get married you need to get...
  14. G

    A vision for my Singleness (addressing fellow singles and the non-single married people)

    A lot of truth here but the singles 1 Corinthians 7 is referring to are the ones who are gifted (not many) for a lifetime of singleness. A lifetime. Paul wanted people of his day to consider singleness (it isn't bad or wrong), but even Paul said it wasn't practical for most people so they should...
  15. G

    31 and still single/ unmarried

    I was asking what's going on here when I was still single at 53. I hope you can avoid that. It was brutal. The main advice I could give someone is to keep looking. I was 53 when I got married. Proposed on day 18, met her in person and married her just weeks later. Married 5 years now. You want...
  16. G

    Do men prefer women who don't all?!

    How about pursue or initiate? Most of us are sort of terrified to initiate with a woman, but a lot of that is fear of rejection. If you are talking about dealing with rejection, well, that's part of the deal, but it won't kill us. Having her say yes to coffee could change your life!
  17. G

    Did you guys ever consider to never get married?

    For most people, being alone would lead to more problems than it would solve. That's why the Bible encourages, if not commands, every man to have his own wife and every woman to have her own husband-1 Coriinthians 7. "let every man...every woman..." is as strong as a command according to my...
  18. G

    Is love unchanging or does it become deeper?

    You're right, you know what is in your heart but can't really know what is in someone else's. That would get revealed over time.
  19. G

    Is love unchanging or does it become deeper?

    Nice question. I've been married only five years after a very protracted singleness. I can tell you that I have developed stronger feelings for my wife over five years. love is a verb, a commitment to do what is best for her (in my case), that doesn't change, but I suppose our desire to be...
  20. G

    Is marrying for love inherently Christian?

    This is difficult to answer. Throughout history, there have been many reasons why people got married. They got married without a ceremony and married without witnesses, but the reasons were many. My understanding is this-remain single if you believe and others agree, that you have a divine...