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  1. G

    Not mature enough yet

    Thank you. MGTOW is out there, I tell my pastor about it because it is part of our culture. Will it last? Hard to tell. There are even so called "Christian MGTOWs" who claim Jesus and Paul were MGTOW. They are the blind leading the blind. They say nutty things like women are not commanded to...
  2. G

    Can we discuss... MGTOW?

    Yes, I have known some. Basically they are incorrigible. Not worth trying to convince, better to let God change them. I can kind of understand their plight and their frustration with divorce court and child custody, but what I don't understand is the lack of aggression to go out there and find...
  3. G


    Yes, X1000
  4. G

    Is celibacy in God’s plan?

    Then it likely isn't your gift of calling to be single. For Paul it was God's calling for him, at least at the time of his conversion. Paul may have been a widower. For people like him, with the gift of singleness, being single is easy to do, for those without the gift of singleness (gift as in...
  5. G

    Why are you single?

    I always considered myself a single person in a married person's body so I had to resolve it by getting married, it just took forever. Part of my long wait could be due to past sin, it's hard to tell because we all sin. Part of my long singleness could have been starting to look when I was...
  6. G

    Do men prefer women who don't all?!

    No chasers please. I don't think that's acceptable for a Christian woman. She can try to get his attention and be where he is but it is the man's responsibility to do the chasing. Pursuing a wife should be paramount for the man who claims he wants a wife.
  7. G

    Why am I single?

    I can relate to you, although as a man. I looked of course but I was going to pray with importunity like the friend at midnight parable as Jesus taught to pray, and pray to God citing various verses about marriage. I didn't give up because my desire was so strong, like yours. I needed a wife. I...
  8. G

    Not mature enough yet

    Congrats on your progress! Many guys sulk instead, then go MGTOW.
  9. G

    "There's someone out there for everyone"

    Good question. The hot cheerleader might not be best for the nerdiest kid in school, but that doesn't mean there isn't someone out there for everyone. I have pondered this question myself, especially when being alone from 24 to 53 ( no I wasn't in prison). Since the Bible instructs us to marry...
  10. G

    How far away are you willing to date?

    Super question! Before I got married it was 50 miles, then after about 30 years became 400 miles and ended up being almost 10,000 miles, but I got married. Never give up. Webcam apps make that possible.
  11. G

    Is celibacy in God’s plan?

    I would like to suggest that if God had in mind for an individual to be single thier whole life, they would fall into the categorie of Eunuch in Matthew 19:12 or gifted with singless in 1 Corinthians 7. I have known of only one person in my 58 years of life who had that gift. He was a local...
  12. G

    Working on our singleness

    "How would someone go about working on being successfully single while wanting to get married and no longer be single?" The same things, just our walk with God, our desire to know and obey God's word. Most people need to get married to avoid sexual sin so the goal should be marriage as far as a...
  13. G

    How can singles do the Lord's work?

    I was single until 53 and had to do all my laundry, cooking, cleaning, errands etc. for myself which people forget about with singles. I also wanted to study the Bible so I didn't have as much time as some thought. Being allowed to serve was a chore. A couple of times I was told it was because...
  14. G

    singleminded faith

    Hi Lanolin. You are right that putting all your faith in one person is a really bad idea and would interfere with being singleminded about Jesus. I am married, waiteded, endured until 53 and got married. My wife is the apple of my eye but I knew she wasn't perfect. Genesis 3:16-Unto the woman he...