That may be a bit irrelevant and random.... But what is themarkofthebeast?
I have started recently to read the Bible, i have heard about it, but it seems that i have not reached the spot where it says it 😅
Is it when someone denies Christ, and receives it? 🧐
...This is a process that could easily take a few months. At first it will be voluntary, but when Christians refuse to take themarkofthebeast it will become obligatory under pain of death. I think one way you can view the demand to take themarkofthebeast and worship theBeast or else...
Probably not, but possibly.
If you are ofthe opinion that themarkofthebeast is a past event and COULD NOT happen again in our future, you may end up taking it and going to hell. Purim, maybe even a month before. Purim is not a picture ofthe rapture, it is a picture ofthe tribulation saints taking a stand against themarkofthebeast and the threat of being beheaded on the gallows. The picture ofthe rapture is when Esther and Mordecai replace Haman a month...
...and His salvation work, since He doesn't take free will away.
Themark is more than just the ability to buy and sell, it is themarkofthebeast over that person to show their allegiance is really with satan, just as the Holy Spirit is the seal over the Christian to show that their...
While you don't say it overtly, you sound rather confident that your particular view ofthe end times is the only correct view, and therefore everyone who holds a different view is therefore deceived.
You seem to have little confidence in Jesus' words in John 10:27-29 "My sheep listen to my... you accept the deceptions and errors to come.
The Devil is trying to decieve the world and trying to get people to accept themarkofthebeast.
The truth will set you free and different doctrines are not all truth
For example ...Understanding who theBeast is will greatly help to...
:ROFL: Oh sure! Go ahead! Don't endure in Christ and give in to taking themarkofthebeast when it's instituted. Themark shows where your allegiance and trust is. It's definitely NOT in Christ.
Get ready girl, because you WILL live through the great tribulation. I will not be surprised when...
The appointed time
1. The Birth of Isaac
Genesis 17:21 (NKJV)
“But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time
Isaac is the child of promise, the child of faith. Isaac is a type of Christ, but can also be a type ofthe rapture and the birth ofthe...
Yes, obviously Christ is the sacrificial one ofthe two. Though He did become sin for us...
2 Corinthians 5:21 God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
...the scapegoat.
And thebeast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received themarkofthebeast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Revelation...
All our lives in some way is a test. We need to take up our cross daily. When was the last time you heard that preached? Most people have no idea what it means. Who obeys that command? It does not mean put up with your mother in law.
Baptism is important, but we are baptised because we are...
...- take what she wants and leave the rest. For example, my Mom LOVES money and because of that, she refuses to believe that themarkofthebeast will exist. She might take themark because she doesn't want to believe that taking themark shows that she trusts the antichrist system all along...
I would say the last prophetic warning you find in Revelation 22 18+19
✝ Revelation 22:18
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words ofthe prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: "
✝ Revelation...
This is the last prophetic warning in the Bible given to man. It’s called “ the three angels message”. There in no need for any further prophesy and this makes it suspect.
[Rev 14:6 - 12 KJV] 6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto...
1) Regarding killing people who will not worship the image ofthebeast in Revelation 13:15, my thought is that this only applies to people who are physically close to the image ofthebeast. So people who are geographically far away may not be killed. In any case, the woman flees from the...
We are seeing the AI beast rise out ofthe sea as prophesied in Revelation 13. We are seeing everything put into place for themarkoftheBeast. We saw the Pact for the Future on the Feast of Trumpets in 2024 and a careful examination of that looks like the covenant being confirmed with the...
I believe all the things you mentioned were real and part ofthe 1st century. Who or what they were I'm not sure. I have my opinion but can't prove from scripture.
I attend an independent non denominational church.
Hey thanks for the welcome! So my question for you would be, who do you believe the man of lawlessness is in the book of Rev.? Do you deny there is a "Antichrist" and "a markofthebeast?" Also are you ofthe denomination, Church of Christ perhaps?