Search results

  1. MyrtleTrees

    Has anyone here overcome food allergies by regularly eating fermented foods?

    Hi! I eat a teacupful of home-made kefir with meals, now. Eating fermented foods like this helped relieve my ragweed allergy symptoms this year. Now, I think the kefir is helping me somewhat as a laxative. I'm curious to know if eating kefir or other fermented foods has been known by...
  2. MyrtleTrees

    I remedy myself with eating fermented foods. Does anyone know how to make Kefir from scratch?

    Hi! Does anyone here know how to make Kefir from scratch? I'd rather not buy it from the store - I prefer making things myself, as it's cheaper. I mean - to also know how to make what is called "kefir grains." Kefir making was first used in China, I've read. Thanks!
  3. MyrtleTrees

    Unsweetened baker's cocoa powder - digestive aid

    Unsweetened baker's cocoa powder works as a digestive aid for me. I have Candida and IBS, and allergies. But lately, I am able to prevent myself from getting constipated, through eating a teaspoonful of this with every meal. Taking this powder might bother some people's stomach's at least...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    My cellphone questions

    Hi! Here's my cellphone questions: (1) Does it cost to get on the internet with a cellphone, if one is within range of wi-fi, such as wi-fi through router in a home? (2) When out of range of wi-fi, do any texting programs, such as Whatsapp, or others - cost more to use than others? Or more...
  5. MyrtleTrees

    Can the Christian chat app here in, be used away from the internet?

    Hi! Can the Christian chat app here in, be used away from the internet? Is it more expensive than doing ordinary texting away from the internet? Thanks!
  6. MyrtleTrees

    How would you advise an overseas Pastor friend of mine who wants to do exporting?

    Hi! My Facebook pastor friend of mine of Pakistan - whom I've known for many years - has done some exporting successfully in the past. And one year, a few years ago, I tried to help him advertize the things he was hoping to export for profit. But I had no luck with it, and got tired of it...
  7. MyrtleTrees

    How can I persuade our grandchlldren's dad to allow me to home-school their 2 children?

    Hi! I and my brothers and sisters were home-schooled in our childhood. I also help to home-school our 2 grandchildren, Dawson - 9, and Mandy - 7, though not as much as I had been, because their parents put them in a Christian public school, the last 2 years. As there's less time to do so...
  8. MyrtleTrees

    How possible is it for an exhusband to gain full custody of his children?

    Hi! In your experiences, etc., is it possible for an exhusband to gain full custody of his chldren, by applying for it after the divorce? Our daughter made a very wrong decision by divorcing her good, Christian husband, this year. Her boyfriend lives with her - he's a drunk and uses...
  9. MyrtleTrees

    Does an ex-husband have to pay alimony if his ex-wife has a full time job?

    To our great grief, our daughter divorced her good, Christian husband this year. Soon, in a few weeks, there will be a court session on the subject of child custody, and also on the matter of alimony. I would like to know if he will be forced to pay her alimony, although she works full...
  10. MyrtleTrees

    Is it possible and safe for Africans to try out earning an income through affiliate marketing?

    Hi! I live in the USA, but I have many Christian friends in Africa, etc. who are very, very poor, and jobless. Do you think they could earn a living through becoming affiliate marketers online - in programs that are free to start? Like Clickbank? And do you think it would be safe...
  11. MyrtleTrees

    Our unsaved daughter is applying to be divorced - sad!

    Hi! We and our married daughter's family live in Traverse City, Michigan. Our unsaved daughter, Marie, has recently applied to be divorced from her wonderful, Christian husband. How sad! We are very concerned. Does any of you have any experience as to what helps a parent to gain the...
  12. MyrtleTrees

    God COMMANDS people everywhere - to repent

    My grandpa Bert, was a Seargeant in World War I. And a seargeant gives commands! And they must be obeyed. God commands people everywhere to repent! It's not a matter of waiting around for someone to do it for you. God already did His part - He provided the way of salvation to the...
  13. MyrtleTrees

    Only a living sacrifice is acceptable to God

    God requires us to "sacrifice" ourselves to God, and without doing that - we can't be acceptable to Him! This means to wholeheartedly serve Him and to not try to keep back any of the sacrifice! Hypocritical "sacrifices" unto God, aren't acceptable to Him! He demands sincerity! And if...
  14. MyrtleTrees

    Are you a "couch potato" spiritually speaking?

    Are you a "couch potato" (spiritually speaking) - and wishing to be put on an automatic process, so that it will require no effort on your part - to be pleasing to God in daily life? It's true that no works for God are possible, without your first having accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord...
  15. MyrtleTrees

    The right way to handle those who don't agree on spiritual doctrines

    This is the attitude Christians need to have when dealing with those who differ with them in spiritual doctrines: "I'll pray for you, and I love you, but I don't agree quite the same." And if you find they don't agree quite the same as you - and can see that they aren't likely to change their...
  16. MyrtleTrees

    This man received assurance of his salvation after repenting - testimony This man came to have an interest in becoming a Christian. But he didn't have peace of mind at first about it. But what helped him overcome the problem, was his learning about the need to repent of sins, as the Bible tells us to do. Following that, he had...
  17. MyrtleTrees

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    I just now - this morning - listened to this preaching message by John MacArthur, against the false claims of global warming. Below, are some Bible verses that came to my mind, that help to remind us of the need to prayerfully do our best to avoid the lies of the media, etc. 1 Tim 6:20...
  18. MyrtleTrees

    People who reject the gospel love their sins

    The reason people reject the gospel, is that they love their sins! The gospel is that "light" spoken of in the following passage: John 3:19-21 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For...
  19. MyrtleTrees

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Last night, in YouTube, I listened to, on the subject of lordship salvation. The speaker said that only lordship salvation saves. Anything less than that, is "easy believism" - and isn't able to save anyone. I also listened to John MacArthur in Youtube - preaching on the...
  20. MyrtleTrees

    Fable: Some mice wanted to elect a ruler to rule over them for 4 more years.

    Candidate, number 1 - promised they'd be given unlimited amounts of cheese to eat, and promised they wouldn't have to work any more. Candidate, number 2 - said they'd have enough to eat - but would have to work for it, if able-bodied - but the elderly were to be exempt from the requirement to...