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  1. MyrtleTrees

    Calling Jesus "Lord,' without choosing to obey Him with one's life, is useless and is not able to save anyone.

    People who say "the sinner's prayer" of repentance - but make no effort to put it to practice in their lives, are only deceiving themselves! They can't get to heaven that way! People who are deceived into thinking that can get them to heaven, are those who think they can get that wonderful...
  2. MyrtleTrees

    The gospel of Jesus was always obeyed by God's people but rejected by those who refused Him

    Below, you see that Paul always preached the same gospel that Jesus preached while on earth. Though in addition - he also taught about the Holy Spirit's role in salvation that comes through Jesus. Christians didn't understand that doctrine well, until the day of Pentecost took place, about...
  3. MyrtleTrees

    Faith without works is dead - Bonhoeffer

    Believing in God's Word, doesn't mean just the element of believing. It involves also - obedience to God's Word. Below, you can see how these Bible scholars in Jesus' time - in spite of their high level of Bible knowledge - had never "believed Moses". Jesus said that if they'd believed...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    A fable I've created: The wisest professor - surprised to find that a donkey can speak

    The wisest professor in Moab, said that donkeys have never made any sounds or noises other than what history has recorded that they make. But then, one student in his audience, one day - said, "Sir, I beg your pardon! But I've heard of a case where a donkey did make some sounds never heard...
  5. MyrtleTrees

    God fed the people of Israel quail, 2 times in the trip through the wilderness with Moses

    After I read about the 2nd time God provided quail - I did research in the Bible on the subject. And found that God offered quail 2 different times in that trip with Moses. The first time God provided quail, was at the same time He started providing the people with manna. The 2nd time -...
  6. MyrtleTrees

    God fed the people of Israel quail, 2 times in the trip through the wilderness with Moses

    After I read about the 2nd time God provided quail - I did research in the Bible on the subject. And found that God offered quail 2 different times in that trip with Moses. The first time God provided quail, was at the same time He started providing the people with manna. The 2nd time -...
  7. MyrtleTrees

    Salvation - one must not hold anything back from God!

    Luke 3:8 8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. KJV Luke 18:22-24 22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him...
  8. MyrtleTrees

    Plague statistics throughout history

    See how low of statistics Coronovirus has, compared to other plagues? See how much ado has been put on "nothing" - largely - in this matter...
  9. MyrtleTrees

    Don't let your life be governed by fear of sickness, disease or death God doesn't want His people to be overly gullible to the fear of sickness, disease and death. We all die at one time or another. Our first priority should always be to be living well in obedience...
  10. MyrtleTrees

    If you have a health problem or concern, consult God first

    God wants us to learn to be in the habit of inquiring of Him first, before seeking other help for health problems we may come to have. Some Christians rely more on natural health methods and have better luck with that. That's how I am. Others, seek help from doctors. In some cases...
  11. MyrtleTrees

    My Commentary on George Whitefield, after reading about him online - Wikipedia, etc.

    George was a powerful revivalist, and converted many to Christ, throughout his life. I'm thankful for all of the great spiritual revivals he generated through his preaching. Just as I am for all the good spiritual revivals that took place in early USA history. If it hadn't been for them...
  12. MyrtleTrees

    It's interesting that the Egyptians couldn't see the cloud

    Ex 14:19-20 19 And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: 20 And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to...
  13. MyrtleTrees

    Jeconiah's seed wasn't included in Jesus' genealogy

    I notice that had no sons that became king after him. Instead, his brother became king next and then after that - Zedekiah - his father's brother. So the genealogy leading to Jesus was trimmed off a bit there. Still, it was counted as being genealogy leading from David, since David was...
  14. MyrtleTrees

    Has anyone had any luck going into stores wearing a "breathable mask?"

    Has anyone here had any luck going into stores, wearing a '"breathable mask?" Without being stopped by some "Hitler" (type, I mean) brainwashed person? I find some stores are less strict than others, and am glad for that. I have allergies, and it is hard to breathe with the typical masks...
  15. MyrtleTrees

    Jesus is our bread & drink, symbolically speaking

    God "eats" with us, and we "eat" with HIm, (symbolically speaking). According to the Bible, we "eat" Jesus as our "bread and drink" (John 6:55) And also, the church of God on earth is called, "one bread." I Corinthians 10:17. Also, I think as "New Testament priests" - can be pictured as...
  16. MyrtleTrees

    Explaining the Bible to others helps to improve your memory and understanding of it!

    I know and have heard that preachers benefit in this way, in the planning of their sermons. But it's true for anyone. And when you keep God's Word mostly just in your own mind - but don't express or share it with others - you will tend to learn less than otherwise - as a result. I tell Bible...
  17. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God I'm going to try a different angle now, in starting some spiritual subjects. We all have our different ways of viewing the scriptures. And sincerely so, if our walks with God are sincere! Subject this time: How remarkable it is that Solomon...
  18. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    Of course, we are not to willfully reject any of the scriptures, as God meant them all to be for us to learn from and they are all true. But prayerfully "rightly dividing" (II Timothy 2:15) the scriptures, helps increase likelihood that we interpret the scriptures correctly. . II Timothy...
  19. MyrtleTrees

    The figurative "spiritual building" spoken of in the New Testament

    The figurative "spiritual building" spoken of in the New Testament We are each - "temples of the Holy Ghost": 1 Cor 6:19 19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Cor 3:16-17 16 Know ye not that ye are...
  20. MyrtleTrees

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    They had been redeemed. They were willing to follow Moses (though many times, they wished they hadn't). They had some sincerity in originally having chosen to follow Moses. It is the same way, when people choose to follow God. As can be seen in the demonstrations of the parable of...