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  1. CS1

    Do the non-elect have free-will?

    all have free will LOL
  2. CS1


    then look to the truth of God's word. Its packed with them. Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life." He makes everyone's day! and Has no limitations
  3. CS1


    not when it is used to make unbiblical points or to say God is a woman. As you did.
  4. CS1


    the idea of praying outside of the church doesn't seem to make sense to me. Paul's saying was in context to Prophesying that is why he said not to much after that " unless there is an interpretation.
  5. CS1

    History and true history and authority of scripture and Christendom.

    I bet you're not wrong!
  6. CS1

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    this is what really concerns me with those who emphasize God's hate, claiming to be the "Elect." Where does it say those who are "Elect" are to tell those who are "nonelect" God hates them? What gives you the right to say who is nonelect, and what do they look like? Is it your understanding...
  7. CS1

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    the point is the full context of verse 22. Yes, we die daily, amen. Yet we are more than conquerors Romans 8:37 through him that loved us. Many have false humility and want to tell others how they are to be a slave, yet their own life doesn't show it.
  8. CS1

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    FYI, I died; therefore, the life I am living is in Christ. Paul said much more than be slave more context to the one verse you used in 6:22 What does it say before and after 22? : 19 I am using an example from everyday life because of your human limitations. Just as you used to offer...
  9. CS1


    I think you have valid point yet 1cor chapter 14 says one can speak silently. or they are told to pray silently if no interpretation
  10. CS1


    grow up, huh? ok, it was not I who said God is a woman; it was you. I asked you for clarity which you double down and said it was no typo. You were called on it. and then try to justify your error of speaking of choking gnats and Pharisees. That's ok :).
  11. CS1


    Clint also said "There was sugar in my coffee, lots of sugar. I came back to complain."
  12. CS1


    LOL. Truth matters and not one Jot of title will be done away with. God is not a woman, nor is that biblical to say, " God can be whatever he wants to be at the expense of HIS word. I am very careful when speaking of the living God who is Holy and Set apart.
  13. CS1


    And no, I am not being judgemental, nor is it to say what is not Biblically correct. I am fine no need to create a false narrative. are you okay?
  14. CS1


    FYI, Shack is a movie and not Biblically correct.
  15. CS1


    I'm sorry that is wrong. God is not a woman, nor has he revealed Himself to be one. The word of God is clear: God is Spirit until He comes in the flesh of a man. Not a woman. The idea God can be whatever he wants to be is a half-truth. God can't be a woman Because His word tells us who He...
  16. CS1


    I think you have your John mixed up. John, known as the Baptist, was a Prophet. He said in the gospel of John chapter ONE that THERE is one coming after him who will baptized with THe Holy Ghost. There is no record of John the Baptist speaking in tongues in the word of God .
  17. CS1


    "God himself/herself knows, " Please clarify here. I think it's a typo.
  18. CS1


    as Jesus was in John Chapter 1 and as Jesu says to be baptized in Mark 16
  19. CS1

    Can the nonelect ever be born-again? (2 Kings 22:27) With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.

    There many things in Christ we are: 1. free Whom the son HAS SET FREE IS FREE INDEED 2. A New Creature in Christ Jesus 3. slave to Righteousness = I am continued in a right relationship with God through Christ.