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  1. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 3

    Thank-you for the book reference. John Smith references a lot of Bible verses, but one of a number of verses I don't believe he references is John 10:30. Here is the full paragraph context John 10: 25 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name...
  2. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 10

    Now let’s review the first Seal. Rev 6:1 I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he...
  3. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 9

    From Section -The Treaty of Hudaybiyya The Treaty of Hudaybiyya was a product of inspired statesmanship and political genius of the highest order. It brought immense advantages to Islam. Among them: The Quraysh of Makkah acknowledged Muhammad as an equal. Heretofore, they had considered him a...
  4. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 8

    Mohammed was essentially a hunted prophet, because his monotheists belief severely threatened, the economic and social structure of the polytheistic region. Most of the battles that would ensue between Mohammed´s followers and the Idolaters, while Mohammed was alive, were defensive in nature...
  5. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 7

    From Section - The Birth of Muhammad and the Early Years of his Life Edward Gibbon Mohammed's descent from Ismael was a national privilege or fable (sic); but if the first steps of the pedigree are dark and doubtful (sic), he could produce many generations of pure and genuine nobility; he...
  6. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 6

    The First and Second Seals From 2005 – 2010, I lived and worked in the Middle East, specifically the country of Qatar. Work involved working closely with many Muslims, some of whom would like to discuss Allah and the Koran, whenever the opportunity arose. In order to be polite, and...
  7. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 5

    An interesting present-day statistic: Presently (mid 2021) the Muslim faith, Islam, is followed by approximately 24.9% of the world´s Population. Christians make up approximately 31.1%. This can be confirmed at Pew Research who compile and publish census demographic information. Here is a link...
  8. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 4

    In the interest of time, I am trying not to get to far into the details and provide a complete commentary on this perspective. I leave that to the readers, and any potential future discussions and debates about the potential of this slightly different perspective. Many may say this is not...
  9. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 3

    Separation of 7-Trumpets from 7-Seals In verse Rev 6:16/17 we find what I think is, the next verse separator, from the purpose of the 7-Seals and the purpose of the 7-Trumpets. Here is the full context of the 6th seal Rev 6:12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great...
  10. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 2

    The Revelation Perception The general perception in the Book of Revelation, is that all the events from the opening of the Seven Seals (Chapter 6) onward, occur during what has become traditionally called “The Great Tribulation Period”. This is understood to be the 7-year time period of...
  11. BereanBride

    Is it time for the 10 Virgins (Brides) to be awaken? Part 1 - Perception

    Are we studying End-Times Prophecy in the Book of Revelation from the right Perspective, and is there another possible Perspective worthy of Consideration? The Debates of Pre/Mid/Post Tribulation and Pre-Wrath positions has gone on for decades, possible centuries. Each position is sometimes...
  12. BereanBride

    Hola, brothers and sister in Christ

    I meant to also say that I share your love for christian music. Amazing Grace is my favorite and I really like Phil Wickham´s rendition "Grace". When working in my room I usually have CBN praise playing softly in the background, and then when I do my Cardio workouts I listen to CBN Radio which...
  13. BereanBride

    Hola, brothers and sister in Christ

    Thank-you for the welcome, One of my favorites also, is the dual events (birth and death on the cross) depicted in the beginning of Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. It nice that you share so many of your favorites.
  14. BereanBride


    somewhere in here I also notice something posted about the requirement of asking for attonement for each and everone of your sins or you you were destine for the lake of Fire. Interesting, I don´t recall the theif on one of the other Crosses asking for attonenment. If I recall correctly, he...
  15. BereanBride


    Wow some interesting views here. Had to scroll through 6 pages to find if anyone had posted the the Prince of Peace Painting by Akiana Kramarik. I am glad someone did. Akiana´s story is amazing as are her other paintings (many of which are of her visions of heaven, as a very young girl. Her...
  16. BereanBride

    Hola, brothers and sister in Christ

    Thank-you for your welcome. May God´s love shine forth from within you, as these dancing stars
  17. BereanBride

    Hola, brothers and sister in Christ

    I love this verse also, one of my favorites, as it says all of what it is to be a follower of Christ. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind... I´m so glad that the Lord interupted your life. Maranatha
  18. BereanBride

    Hola, brothers and sister in Christ

    Thank-you for the welcome. So many have been very welcoming. I am still getting familiar with site, but will soon post something that may test that welcome with many, but I don´t think all (not the Bereans). It will be in regards how we possibly look at, and interpret the book of Revelation...
  19. BereanBride

    Hola, brothers and sister in Christ

    Thank-you for your welcome. It nice to find people we have things in common with. Working in the construction enviroment, as you know, requires a bit of a thick skin and not for the faint of heart, so I am fully prepared and expecting some "x"´s (no problem). Everything you indicated as to...