WELL EXCUSE ME... I thought I was responding to a group that tried to start a little
over a week or so. Okay, I guess being mature is considered out of place ? I am still
at a loss why I am being kicked off a group that appeared it would be for OLDER ADULT
THREAD .... I am reading top page to left... It says.. I QUOTE... "OLDER ADULT THREAD."
That being said, I am asking you to delete my posts here please. I look like a fool. Oh,
yeah, I guess going private is like saying "put the old lady in the rest home ?"
I do ask you to please tell me how to delete all my posts please. I really am dumb and
need help.. no kidding. Thanks..
Wow, all i did was try to help you out by explaining the way to forums work and you get offended and blow it all out of proportion?
And i didn't say anything about 'hiding' anyone. I made a friendly suggestion about making a private group, that you can control who joins. Many people make these groups. It has nothing to do with 'hiding the old people'. It has to do with you making a request, and i made a suggestion on how you can fulfill your request on your own.
And, again, i didn't say it was wrong to respond here, but the suggestion was made to turn THIS thread into a thread for older users, and i pointed out that this is not the correct section for that. Again, trying to help. If i hadn't pointed this out, the mods would have to move this thread, or close it, to discourage its misuse. So i was trying to help prevent that extra work for them, or for you guys to have your thread shut down.
Everything i did, i did to be friendly, helpful and to make it easier on you and you get mad and act like i'm putting you down? I'm sorry i tried to help you and give you tips on how the site functions, and suggestions on how to make things more effective and easier for you. I promise you, i will not make the mistake of trying to be helpful to you again.