Jaime, I think the point she's trying to make is, that since the title of this thread is, "Walk away from the pharmacy", and that you have said you stopped taking your meds, that those things may convince someone else to do exactly what you're asking them to do in the title.. Naively go off their meds in the hope that God will heal them, because that's what He does.
However, God does NOT heal everyone. So while I'm sure you mean well
, to say "trust in God and stop your meds" really is a pretty unwise thing to say..
Take me for example. Say I read this thread, thought "oh wow, stopping his meds worked and God healed him, maybe it'll work for me". So I naively go off my seizure meds in hopes that God will automatically heal me of them, and what happens? A day or two later, I STILL not only have seizures, but am having them hit harder and longer, and because grand mals are very serious, I go into one and I don't come out of it and have to be put on life support. SOOO, by taking the advice you offered here, I put my health at risk AND pretty much ended my life.
THIS is what wwjd_kilden, myself and others are trying to show you could happen, if some new naive person comes along and decides to follow your advice on here. Do you realize now, how dangerous that could be?