No chemo if you got cancer or Hepatitis?
No blood thinners if you just had thrombus, a heart attack, or stroke?
No novacatine if you need a tooth removed?
No anesthesia, if you need your gall bladder, tonsils, adenoids, or appendix out?
No shots, if you were bit by a rabid animal?
No shots if you stop on a rusty nail?
No ear drops for an infection? (Trust me, having your ear drum blown out when the infection gets so bad it comes rushing out of your inner ear is no fun.)
No antibiotics if you got C-diff or MRSA?
No synthroid if your thyroid doesn't work right?
No metformin if you end up with Diabetes 2? (You'll die a lot quicker, after losing toe by toe, finger by finger, then arms and legs.)
No new organs if one of your fails?
No iron if you're severely anemic?
No multivitamin just because?
No sun block?
No antacid for indigestion or heartburn?
No Bactine on a cut?
No surgery for anything, unless you're wide awake?