I have recently decided to wean myself off of substances that were prescribed to me. This is probably not recommended for all, because discomfort can definitely be experienced... but please, please PLEASE know that the pharmacy is rooted in poison, a discipline of alchemy, a sworn oath to the Caduceus. I was on medicine that effected many sites of different receptors in your brain, one of them namely effecting dopamine. The effect of this... made me complacent with doing absolutely NOTHING in life. I read an article somewhere online from a scientific journal... and i encourage people to find out where it is that had said something to the effect of rats that had been experimented on to inhibit dopamine, had regular access to food six inches in front of their face. And EVERY rat that was experimented on DIED of starvation, because of it's lack of motivation to move SIX INCHES to food. Apologies to pharmacists and doctors, but I can't lie about the horrors of what you practice. The word pharmacy is derived from the word pharmakeia.. let me impart this knowlege... from a google search i found a wikipedia article and i quote: The word pharmacy is derived from its root word pharma, which had first been used sometime in the 15th–17th centuries. However, the original Greek roots from pharmakos imply sorcery or even poison. ... The Greek word Pharmakeia (Greek: φαρμακεία) derives from pharmakon (φάρμακον), meaning "drug", "medicine" (or "poison"). It is so important to renounce the pharmacy because it is a path to death. If you need an antibiotic... Eat 2-3 cloves of raw garlic on an EMPTY stomache, yeah, its going to be spicy as all heck, but it contains a chemical called Allicin, reported to be "not found effective due to lack of research" or some excuse by the powers that be that want to hide Gods remedies for us. If you have strep throat... Gargle some diluted apple cider vinegar a few times during the day, a nice honest man once told me his wife did this and the next morning her white pustules were GONE. As well as the pain and infection. RESEARCH what works... If it's scientifically dismissed as heresay... Remember who they commited heresay against first. Keep your blood a healthy alkaline, treat your temple as Holy, Don't be sick, you don't know it but being afflicted is a sin. Fasting brings preservation and healing. Cancer is NOT a death sentence, but trusting in your money to fix it through the ignorant doctors who administer chemotherapy is. Luke, 10:21... "21 At that same time Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and he said, “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way." Im sorry, but if you're a doctor, you've made enough money off the poor. It's the Job I ASKED FOR to break the chains of the oppressed, and may this message reach as MANY PEOPLE as it can. Go ahead, PLEASE blaspheme against what I'm saying, Because we know who you did that to first. Every lie you tell is a Crucifiction of the Truth. STAY AWAY FROM PHARMACY!