I spoke with a lawyer who studies chemtrails and he was trying to discern what was going on as we and other researchers have noticed a heavy increase in spraying. Maybe someone else here has discernment and can see patterns or insight. "In a multitude of counselors there is safety."
Included on this site is the patent for chemtrail spraying. I hope someone else comes up with their own ideas about why this program has intensified.
To those who have never looked into this before: Contrails are the normal condensation that forms when the cold air meets the warm air from airplanes. It forms ice crystals that typically melt quickly. Chemtrails remain in the sky for a long time, fan out and often block the sun. We just watched this happen. The formerly clear, deep blue sky was completely covered and the sun blocked.
Tests on the soil have shown high concentrations of aluminum and other substances.
I just wonder if it has anything to do with the vaccines.
Whoever saw flight patterns like these:
Included on this site is the patent for chemtrail spraying. I hope someone else comes up with their own ideas about why this program has intensified.
To those who have never looked into this before: Contrails are the normal condensation that forms when the cold air meets the warm air from airplanes. It forms ice crystals that typically melt quickly. Chemtrails remain in the sky for a long time, fan out and often block the sun. We just watched this happen. The formerly clear, deep blue sky was completely covered and the sun blocked.
Tests on the soil have shown high concentrations of aluminum and other substances.
I just wonder if it has anything to do with the vaccines.
Whoever saw flight patterns like these:

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