Welcome to CC!
I understand very well what you mean about being alone. And I also understand that many times, even if we find or are around a lot of people, it doesn't mean we are no longer lonely. Many people I'm around make me feel even lonelier.
I was having a conversation yesterday with some people about how I used to love traveling, but it's getting harder to do, especially by myself. They all looked at me like I was whining about having a papercut or something. But that's because they all have families to travel with, so they don't think about the extra hassles and precautions a single has to take. I think about this every time I realize I can't just leave my bags with someone to go to the restroom or get a quick bite to eat. And maybe I'm just a wimp, but hauling your bags everywhere (because the best chances I've found to avoid having the airline lose your luggage is to travel with carry-ons only,) wears you out in a few hours -- and you might have an entire day of connecting flights and other airports to get through. Not to mention if your flight gets canceled and you're stranded for hours or even overnight.
And I certainly don't mean it as a whoa me, boo hoo hoo -- but rather, it's an illustration of being surrounded by people but never being understood or taken seriously, which ampliflies lonelines to the max.
I get to a point where I can't really talk to people about my life, and tend to isolate myself even more.
I also understand about the churches. I've moved a few times and it always takes me 6-8 or more churches to find where I feel like I'm actually connecting with God. I haven't found anything in my current location either, and that search is also exhausting. There are a few I visit, and I always listen online to a church I attended in another state, but it's tricky because even if you do find one, some automatically want to plug you into groups or areas of service that might make you even more uncomfortable.
I'm sorry to say I haven't found any solutions. I always say I'm an introvert who can masquerade as an extrovert when needed, but I tend to keep to myself.
I have some long-distance friends (some I met here) I keep in touch with via a chat, and though we might not talk that much, it does help keep some of the loneliness at bay.
Do you have any friends you could talk with on the phone, online, or through email? I'm sorry that this probably seems like a lousy suggestion, but in all honesty, for me, that's all I have had for many years. I've tried joining a lot of groups in the past, but wound up feeling even more alone, so phone calls, emails, and online is how I get by. And I talk to God about everything (maybe sometimes more than He wants to hear!) So yes, God wants you around, ane yes, He wants to hear what you have to say.

The Bible even tells us to "Cast all yours on Him, because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)
I hope you'll feel free to join in on the discussions here -- some are serious, some are just for fun -- and hopefully meet a few new people.