Like it is ok to lie for the cause of the spread of Islam; that it is okay to beat your wife/wives (they are allowed four, though Mohammed had at least a dozen including a six year old); that killing your enemy (that is Christians and Jews as well as non-believers, but especially "people of the book") is commanded over a hundred times in the Quran; that murdering along with suicide for the cause of jihad is the only assurance of salvation they have; that paradise promises sexually perversity for men; that they are not allowed to depart the faith on pain of death; that the hero of their faith is an adulterous war-mongering pedophile, who promoted the lie that is being repeated to this day that Islam is a religion of peace.
When you discuss your beliefs with your Muslim friends, do any of these things from their teachings come up? I realize many Muslims attempt to escape the socio-political choke-hold Islam wishes to impose on them in controlling every aspect of their lives (prayer 5 times a day, by the way), and that many Christians do not live up to the standards we are held to either, but there is a big difference between being commanded to kill your enemy versus being commanded to love them. If they do not believe what their book teaches, why do they call themselves Muslim? Even if they had water, do you think the caliphate would allow them unfettered internet access? The caliphates' view of the western world is like Jeremiahscup LOL. Their leadership has not hid the fact that they wish to infiltrate and destroy America from within, and people are so deceived about this that they are not only allowing it to happen, they are supporting it. You say you love America and will fight to your dying breath to defend it. How can you do that if you do not know the truth about America's enemies?