The problem is not in what catholics believe but what their church has done and is doing.
The Vatican protected and is still protecting sexual predators who are priests.
Second to that. We had a sex scandal in Belgium (Marc Dutroux), he and his family are surrounded by high members of the catholic church. As soon his wife got out of jail she got homed and nurtured by members of the catholic church.
one plus one equals always two in these circumanstances.
The last pope resigned because he was bombarded with sexual scandals. The Vatican even said the victims were exagerrating.
It should be removed as head of christianity and named for what it is, a pedo sex club. It should be abolished and the riches should be given to the poor. As Christ would do

Now they have turned the catholic church to a den of sexual predators and scared people who have no courage to speak up. That is the catholic church to me.