Just curious if anyone observes the Sabbath. It seems like some people do and some people don’t, citing a variety of reasons.
Are there any clear commands to observe a Sabbath rest on the seventh day of the week? Which verses? I ask because I see there are clear commands to observe some of the 10 commandments, but I can’t find anything about Jesus or one of the apostles commanding anyone to keep the Sabbath.
Personally I don’t observe Sabbath day of rest as of right now, but I’ve considered it and I’m not opposed to it.
Also, if you keep the Sabbath, what do you do and don’t do on your Sabbath day of rest?
Are there any clear commands to observe a Sabbath rest on the seventh day of the week? Which verses? I ask because I see there are clear commands to observe some of the 10 commandments, but I can’t find anything about Jesus or one of the apostles commanding anyone to keep the Sabbath.
Personally I don’t observe Sabbath day of rest as of right now, but I’ve considered it and I’m not opposed to it.
Also, if you keep the Sabbath, what do you do and don’t do on your Sabbath day of rest?
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