Thanks for contributing. 
You believe that the KJV (1611) is the most accurate "because it is one of the oldest". Would you therefore consider Tyndale's translation (c. 1526) more accurate because it is older than the KJV? What about Wycliffe (c. 1384, middle English)? The Vulgate (c. 405, Latin), perhaps?
"Old", by itself, is not a good criteria for "accurate".
Are you aware that, when the KJV was penned, there were perhaps a couple of dozen Greek manuscripts of the New Testament books known, and that now, there are nearly 6,000?
Are you aware that there is a rule of Greek grammar that was only discovered almost 300 years after the KJV was penned, and which renders certain wordings in the KJV incorrect?
Are you aware that the oldest-known Greek manuscripts are actually different in places than the source material that led to the KJV?
I can respect your appreciation of the KJV, and have no problem if it is your choice of Bible in English. However, I would encourage you to do some more research on the issues and not allow your choice to stand on such precarious reasoning.
You believe that the KJV (1611) is the most accurate "because it is one of the oldest". Would you therefore consider Tyndale's translation (c. 1526) more accurate because it is older than the KJV? What about Wycliffe (c. 1384, middle English)? The Vulgate (c. 405, Latin), perhaps?
"Old", by itself, is not a good criteria for "accurate".
Are you aware that, when the KJV was penned, there were perhaps a couple of dozen Greek manuscripts of the New Testament books known, and that now, there are nearly 6,000?
Are you aware that there is a rule of Greek grammar that was only discovered almost 300 years after the KJV was penned, and which renders certain wordings in the KJV incorrect?
Are you aware that the oldest-known Greek manuscripts are actually different in places than the source material that led to the KJV?
I can respect your appreciation of the KJV, and have no problem if it is your choice of Bible in English. However, I would encourage you to do some more research on the issues and not allow your choice to stand on such precarious reasoning.