I think the KJV is one of the more reliable versions of the bible, not corrupted like the NIV (especially the latest NIV). This topic probably needs another thread, but I doubt even many of the corrupt versions will state this verse any differently to the KJV. Here is the same verse from a (much!) less reliable version - the newest NIV, and it doesn't change much.
"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,
and its people are like grasshoppers.
He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,
and spreads them out like a tent to live in."
Lol. I'm glad you're enjoying it now.

And remember, just because people disagree, doesn't mean they hate you.
I'm glad you're doing well - I had a good day also, thanks! I'm debating some guy in another thread about the (non) existence of viruses, but that one is a bit harder because he posts articles from science journals which were deliberately written in a way so as to make their meaning obscure. I much prefer debates like this one about interesting topics, rather than trying to have to read where the deceit is in some poorly written article.
I appreciate that we have deviated from the topic of this thread somewhat, so just to get it back on track, let me reiterate Truth77's words "Global Warming is a man made hoax, a political leftist agenda in the Eco-socialism movement."