I think we're on the same page. I agree 100% Paul preached the same gospel as the 12. I also suggest Paul was giving the exact same instructions as the 12 in the great commission. I agree with the last comment but of course there is a lot in there and there are varying understandings of it.
Im old now , but my mind still works well. I can remember what I believed about the Bible at age 20 and then I can remember what I believed at 30 and then 40 ect what was mean to say is what I knew at 20 doesn’t sound the same as what it knew at 30 and then 40 then 50
as I persevered through life keeping just basic belief and faith in Christ himself I failed a thousand times but I’ve never at any point not believed in Jesus
about at 20 I didn’t know what baptism meant , what it was done for , why Jesus did it , why his disciples did it before and after the cross
at 30 I noticed the Bible keeps saying “ baptism for repentance and remission of sins “ repetitively then at 40 I became pretty sure baptism is never exolained by other way I’ve ever found in scriptire other than what’s established clearly “baptism for repentance and remission of sins “
but every subject has been this way I didn’t use to think what I think now but I’ve always been a believer even when I didn’t know much about what’s written in the Bible
aim not sure that makes sense but we are all who believe at dofferent points of the understanding and revelation part . At 20 even though I was quite ignorant of what scriptire said in depth I still belonged tonjesus the same as now even before I grasped some things better as time passed
there are infants in Christ they haven’t heard what baptism is actually about and for according to scripture not someone’s wild Interpretstions with no founding but the basic truths plainly set before us inviting us to believe not to completely understand but to believe what we hear
at 20 I would argue this with people
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16 KJV
because that’s all I really understood at the time it was enough and when I discussed with older chrortoans they would explain to me about deeper things repentance ect baptism ……of bc rise I didn’t understand so I’d wuote a verse like this
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”
Ephesians 2:8 KJV
it wasnt that I believed wrong or dofferent but I simply hadn’t heard those other things yet in order to believe them I think we’re all at different stages of this we all who believe belong to God
and in time we’re going to grow and change as we hear and learn from the lord . A forum like this should be a real benefit to growing together rather than standing apart but too many believe they thenealeves have the answers if we could look to the gospel we’d find the same answers
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