Welcome to CC.
These are forums (like a message board) so when you post something it will be here later for others to see (unlike live chat where you have to be here to be part of the conversation). So you don't have to worry about your text speed. You can join in wherever/whenever.
A few basics are that all new posts go into pending mode until the mods approve and post them publicly. (When you created this thread you may not have seen it after posting and wondered what happened, that would be the reason)
However, when you reply/ post on already existing threads it will post and be viewable right away.
If you have questions don't hesitate to ask. There are a lot of helpful, knowledgeable and resourceful members here.
There is also an area for tech support/help. When you're on the main page scroll down to the bottom of the forums list until you find
User2User Tech Support you mind find your questions have been answered here (or feel free to make new threads ).
Enjoy your time here.
Oh! One more thing.
There is a 5 minute edit window. Once you hit "post" if you need to make changes you have 5 minutes to do so.