The main reason I think Jesus was rejected is that he was always saying the truth! it was inconvenient for the pharisees and sadducees. most of them could not admit he is the messiah.

I'll never forget what my ex said to me when I proposed to her.
She said, and I quote, "I want you to know that I would never want to marry a man like you."
I was like, "Okayyyyy..."
She continued, "I don't mean that in a bad way (I'm thinking, "Whattttt?!?"). I mean that I would never want to marry a man like you because I know that you'll always want to do what is right."
She then said "Yes", btw, because she knew that God told both us to marry each other.
In hindsight, that was the primary reason why she hated me.
Not because of anything bad that I ever did to her or our children, but because I did that which was right.
The real root reason why she hated me and ultimately divorced me is that she grew to hate Jesus Christ.
He was the one who was always directly dealing with her, and she wanted nothing to do with the type of crucified life that he calls each and everyone of us to. I was just collateral damage. In essence, she couldn't handle the truth, and the Truth is a person (John 14:6).