I just have a problem with my family. I was wondering if there is anyone who can give me Christian advice. I am insecure when people talk bad about me behind my back. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. My family does it, they talk bad about me behind my back and they say mean things to my face. I don't know how to cope properly. It makes it hard to be around them now. I don't like them either because of how they treat me. To sum it up. They seem like bullies and they appear to call me stupid, they judge me, and they make up things about me that aren't true. I feel like I am in high school. I tried reading my Bible, it helps, but the hurt I feel from this still lingers. I even keep a journal and write my feelings. I still get the question in my head. Why is this happening to me? It feels like I am getting all this bad attention that I don't really want. Please help!
Having had to deal with toxic bullies at work, two things I do is keep my distance as much as possible and have my responses ready that can be delivered in a matter of fact manner with no emotion.
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