I'm new here, so forgive me if I come across the wrong way; however, I meet people all the time, I meet women all the time... Really all you need to do is converse... As to Christianity, your words, actions and attitude will deliver that quickly. Well that is if you aren't ashamed to stand up for what you believe in and then use that as an opportunity to witness if nothing else. It is my experience that the women I come in contact with are very easy to talk to as long as you present yourself appropiately.
I know who I am in Christ and I try to protray the love of Christ in my everyday interactions. The gist is that you must influence people and not let the wrong people influence you... ie the intended meaning of Christ stating that we are to let our light shine out into the darkness... forgive the paraphrase.
And even so my intention here is not to encourage in the wrong fashion; but simply to say we shouldn't retreat into norms of solitude, but naturally as we have the opportunity to do so, reach out to others. In the process you will be pleasantly surprised at what you find.

confused confusious say...