Haha... i'm just curious cuz i'm lame and never leave my house!
If you're not meeting people online................ where are you meeting them?!
I'm kinda tired of having no social life! lol I'd love to hear from both guys and gals!
Hi there:
Well i'm 36 years old, Portuguese and i find it hard to make new friendships as well...i have great frends from the long run, but if i want to make friendships with oposite sex....it's like a desert lol

Only God knows about future, but this makes me feel like we, women need to start praying hard for God to touch men hearts ....i have nice friends at church, but they are all around 20's...i'm too old for those guys and too young to be stuck home without social life

soo in the midst of this, i feel like i should pray more because GOd never leaves us or forsakes us, so He will open the doors and bring GODLY friends to our lives...we just need to keep praying and acting according to His word...but it is not easy at all friends...May God be with you all!