All we are seeing in the self defense of heresy are myriads and facets of not enduring sound doctrine. It comes in many forms, even that of appearing nice, appeasing, as kindness, but it is still a rejection of truth and is a compromising of the Gospel.
This is why I've always been more leary of wolves always pointing to their fleece coats; ("See how nice I am? See my wool?")
Brothers and sisters of mine may appear as wolves or mean-spirited to some due to their biblical defense of the Gospel, but that is of no matter whatsoever, it has always been this way. By the way, no wolf has ever liked the rod of a shepherd, just read the prophets and you'll see it time and again.
This is why I've always been more leary of wolves always pointing to their fleece coats; ("See how nice I am? See my wool?")
Brothers and sisters of mine may appear as wolves or mean-spirited to some due to their biblical defense of the Gospel, but that is of no matter whatsoever, it has always been this way. By the way, no wolf has ever liked the rod of a shepherd, just read the prophets and you'll see it time and again.
There was a jesuit who left the order and he exposed their tactics. One of the ways they would invade baptist churches would be precisely to start preaching false doctirne, then hide under the guise of "love" and say the Pastor or elders of the church are "unloving" and "unchristlike" and "mean" for not allowing him to preach his falsehoods.
But in reality these elders and pastor were men of God DEFENDING the faith against wolves, and in doing so were the LOVING ones, whereas the wolf was UNLOVING one leading people into ERROR.
A parent who allows EVERYTHING, is not a loving parent!
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