@notmyown I first want to say that i told my mother she was meant to be a mom and i think she understood what was meant by that statement but what would you say the most rewarding thing about mother hood is for you?
six of our children grew to be adults, thanks be to God. it's been such a privilege to see how different they are, and yet how much they love one another. they have a private group on facebook our son has named "sibling thrivalry".
i can't say what a comfort it it, as my husband and i approach the day we'll leave the land of the dying and go to the land of the living, that they have each other to depend on. and i can't say how much i've learned through them. we homeschooled them, but they've been the teachers far more than we ever were.
oh, and grandchildren! lol
isn't our Lord just wonderful?
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