Torn on what to share here and will likely censor a lot but desperately in need of prayer. I know The Lord knows all of this and knows the outcome , He knows the bits I’ll be skimming over and He knows my part in this - I guess I’m probably after prayer and advice or just possibly I’m being selfish and venting again not satisfied with previous advice elsewhere so I am so sorry if that’s the case - I just can’t judge my own motives any more .
I’ve searched and search the internet for advice forums specific to this topic from a Christian perspective but the one site has not yet received funding for a moderator. I’ve had advice and reactions from ladies online that are appalled and they are saddened and disgusted at my husbands behaviour but because I am a believer in my head and heart I’m then questioning if it’s bad enough to warrant me leaving or how to or what to do I don’t want to break up my family do I put up and shut up and pray .
The situation is that I’m married , he’s not a Christian - he drinks smokes things and takes things occasionally I’ve now found out. He watches porn most nights and I have to sleep separately because I know I’ll have no choice in sex if next to him as my “no turns him on”( sorry) . His happy moods are few and far between and when he’s happy I’m berated for being a spoil sport or too serious because he tends to take things to the extreme. He shouts slams and huffs and I don’t know how to react .
I can’t disagree with him regarding anything and after these years together I just bite my tongue . When I don’t bite my tongue it can escalate to him being aggressive physically- in the past years he’s twisted my arm back , pushed and kicked me on the floor ( not as bad as it looks written down) , pushed me down many times, put his hand around throat marking it and held his fist to punch me in face but missing .
I long for God to change him and yet I feel it’s me that needs to change in this- my thoughts a perspectives etc. Perhaps I’m overanalysing past events and I should move on because as I’ve forgiven them I can’t keep bringing it up in head? Sorry this probably makes no sense...
I’ve searched and search the internet for advice forums specific to this topic from a Christian perspective but the one site has not yet received funding for a moderator. I’ve had advice and reactions from ladies online that are appalled and they are saddened and disgusted at my husbands behaviour but because I am a believer in my head and heart I’m then questioning if it’s bad enough to warrant me leaving or how to or what to do I don’t want to break up my family do I put up and shut up and pray .
The situation is that I’m married , he’s not a Christian - he drinks smokes things and takes things occasionally I’ve now found out. He watches porn most nights and I have to sleep separately because I know I’ll have no choice in sex if next to him as my “no turns him on”( sorry) . His happy moods are few and far between and when he’s happy I’m berated for being a spoil sport or too serious because he tends to take things to the extreme. He shouts slams and huffs and I don’t know how to react .
I can’t disagree with him regarding anything and after these years together I just bite my tongue . When I don’t bite my tongue it can escalate to him being aggressive physically- in the past years he’s twisted my arm back , pushed and kicked me on the floor ( not as bad as it looks written down) , pushed me down many times, put his hand around throat marking it and held his fist to punch me in face but missing .
I long for God to change him and yet I feel it’s me that needs to change in this- my thoughts a perspectives etc. Perhaps I’m overanalysing past events and I should move on because as I’ve forgiven them I can’t keep bringing it up in head? Sorry this probably makes no sense...
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