"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."
Now was Jesus talking about the regeneration of the Fig tree (Israel becoming a nation again), or was He referring to ALL of those things He is describing in the Tribulation i.e, sun being darkened, the abomination that causes desolation, etc.?
Will they all happen within one generation?
Now was Jesus talking about the regeneration of the Fig tree (Israel becoming a nation again), or was He referring to ALL of those things He is describing in the Tribulation i.e, sun being darkened, the abomination that causes desolation, etc.?
Will they all happen within one generation?
I'm going to try to make this post very brief (so I hope it won't end up too "choppy" lol).
First off, I think Scripture informs us that there is a distinction between:
--"a fig tree PLANTED IN his vineyard"... ( Lk13:6 - https://www.blueletterbible.org/sea...planted+in+his+vineyard&t=KJV#s=s_primary_0_1 )... though certainly closely associated...
... where "vineyard" refers to "Israel" (per Isa5:7 - "For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel..." - https://biblehub.com/isaiah/5-7.htm )...
... so the "fig tree" is [something] "PLANTED IN" Israel, but is not exactly Israel itself (but certainly something associated in some way).
Secondly, the TIMING (and SEQUENCE) issues...
Where Luke 21:32 states, "Truly I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass away UNTIL ALL SHALL HAVE TAKEN PLACE," this "ALL" must necessarily INCLUDE the items already having been spoken about in v.24 (some very "OF-LENGTHY-DURATION" items!).
So with regard to the phrase "this generation," its force is MORAL (not speaking of a particular length of an individual person's life-span, or what have you)...those opposing Christ will exist on the earth UNTIL Christ's Second Coming to the earth.
The one written in Matthew 24:34 (your verse in OP), "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled" refers specifically to all the "tauta [THESE things]" having just been spoken of in THIS text... which from verse 4 onward is speaking of the future Tribulation period [7 yrs] (FOLLOWING "our Rapture") which time-period will LEAD UP TO Christ's Second Coming to the earth (the "SEALS" equivalent to "the beginning of birth PANGS" here spoken of, as well as spoken of in Mk13:5-8 and Lk21:8-11 [SAME]);
Lk21:25-36 also fits within that future time-period (and we see again the reference to "fig tree" mentioned in this section).
Whereas, Lk21:12-24a is covering the events surrounding the 70ad events (in its saying, "BUT BEFORE ALL THESE [BEFORE ALL THESE beginning of birth pangs (spoken of from vv.8-11; parallel Matt24:4-8 and Mk13:5-8)]--the 70ad events in vv.12-24a must come "BEFORE ALL THESE [BoBPs]"--and I do not say "immediately before," because, again, the "BoBPs" take place in the future 7-yr Trib period, EQUIVALENT the "SEALS" of Rev6, which themselves are a PART OF what "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" per Rev1:1 [/1:19c/4:1], i.e. the 7-yr period leading up to His RETURN to the earth Rev19)...
[this pertains to the SEQUENCE ISSUES of the Olivet Discourse... some things said to take place "BEFORE ALL" these beginning of birth pangs (i.e. the 70ad events); and other things are what take place FOLLOWING the beginning of birth pangs... so in Matthew 24, the "BoBPs" (aka the SEALS--IN the future "7 yr period) are in vv.4-8, and what follows on from there are the "[till] all THESE things [be fulfilled]" (including the "fig tree" reference and the "know [that summer is] nigh" reference, v.32, then the following verse states, "LIKEWISE, when ye SHALL SEE all THESE things, know that IT is NIGH, even at the doors" (the "IT" being His promised and prophesied earthly Millennial Kingdom age commencing upon HIS RETURN to the earth, per vv.29-31... having just been spoken about]
... so where I see the reference in Matt24:34 being primarily with regard to TIMING issues (when SEE all THESE things), I am not 100% saying the "fig tree" thing [tho not identified as "Israel" in particular, but something that had been "PLANTED IN" his vineyard/Israel] is not going to be involved also, it very well could be (and I tend to think perhaps SO), but it would only pertain to the time-period WHEREIN this is being referenced (that is, in Matt24:34 [mentioned AFTER the "BoBPs/SEALS]; in Mk13:28 [mentioned AFTER the "BoBPs/SEALS]; in Lk21:29 [mentioned AFTER the "BoBPs/SEALS"], which are yet "future" [i.e. FOLLOWING "our Rapture"]--and possibly referencing it as commensurate with those "BoBPs" / that time-period [/the Trib period of 7-yrs]... if that makes sense. LOL)
[ugh... I was gonna TRY to be brief!]
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