You have called him a psychopath many times. If you want, I'd be glad to go find those posts and prove that you lie when you say you've never called Dcon a psychopath. 
Never called you a psychopath, but you seemed to want to take this to heart, so who
am I to deny a label you want to own.
What is funny is this accusation coming from someone who uses labels all the time
actual or implied. But then that is why if an example is given of a problem, you automatically
apply it to yourself because that is how you think when you are giving examples.
It should be assumed examples are just that, not aimed at any individual unless actually
applied to a person in particular. There was a time when people were more reluctant to
label so clearly, but now that seems to have gone out of the window.
And by the way I try not to name call, but rather describe how people come across.
So this continual accusation I used the psychopath example specific to you, is an
example of unsubstantiated slander. But then those who have no problem with slander
use these arguments all the time. But then maybe without a conscience, upsetting people
is just not an issue, or even sinning against them.
am I to deny a label you want to own.
What is funny is this accusation coming from someone who uses labels all the time
actual or implied. But then that is why if an example is given of a problem, you automatically
apply it to yourself because that is how you think when you are giving examples.
It should be assumed examples are just that, not aimed at any individual unless actually
applied to a person in particular. There was a time when people were more reluctant to
label so clearly, but now that seems to have gone out of the window.
And by the way I try not to name call, but rather describe how people come across.
So this continual accusation I used the psychopath example specific to you, is an
example of unsubstantiated slander. But then those who have no problem with slander
use these arguments all the time. But then maybe without a conscience, upsetting people
is just not an issue, or even sinning against them.