according to my calculations, if the aod set up is islam (dragon that persecutes the woman in the wilderness), its mosque was set up on the temple mount around 689 ad, give or take a year or two. Add from that date 1260 prophetic years she is kept in the wilderness, you arrive at 1949 and 30 years later (1290 prophetic years) the ayatollah Khomeini returns from 15 years in exile to Iran in 1979 and two days later sets up the Council of the Islamic Revolution.
And adding 1335 days (from 689) brings us to 2024.
Have been giving some thought to this response of yours. Assuming since you didn't include any texts, that you are referring to the prophecy of Dan. 12. Since you shared what you understand this prophecy to mean. I would like to share mine, and the reasoning in it's support. A heads up. This will be so far from what you believe you will shake your head, as I did over your interpretation. Nonetheless it is interesting to hear what other believe. Right?
My Bible has a heading at the beginning of this chapter that states,"
The End Times." I believe it is a correct heading for which follows.
12:1,2) At that time Michael, the great prince [Christ in the form of an Angle, before He became man. Bear in mind this prophecy is given to Daniel centuries before Christ's birth] who protects your people, will arise. ["will arise", indicates the end of Christ Corporate intercession for the earth]. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nation until then. But at that time your people- everyone whose name is found written in the book-will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life others to shame and everlasting contempt.
I have added these verses, because the wording leaves no doubt the prophecy is speaking of closing events near the return Of Christ, since the first resurrect is mentioned, in which some of Daniel' people shall be participants. This timing is important to understand. Because the, "time, times, and half a time/1260 days, 1290, and the 1335 days," are literal days and not day/years as many expositors have assumed in the past.
Note in vs.4, 9 Daniel is told that the prophecies he has been shown and writing out will be sealed until the time of the end. In other words God is going to obscure the true understanding of the book of Dan., until
the time of the end, when those living at that time, who are searching the prophecies will the Holy Spirit reveal their true meaning.
In the last 40 yrs., four hermeneutics which govern how God put together the prophecies of both Dan. and Rev., have been discovered, of which earlier expositors had no knowledge. One of then has to do with timing. It is: Time is translated day/yr., if the span of time occurs within the operation of the Jubilee Calendar (1437B.C.-1994 A.D) otherwise time is literal..
Since (Dan. 12:1-13) is still in the future the time elements are all literal. Notice how vss. 11- 13, make perfect sense when we understand them to be literal. 11) from the time the daily sacrifice[the word,
sacrifice is not found in the original texts, but was added by translators] "The Daily" in the earthly sanctuary had to do with
corporate atonement conducted at the golden altar of incense within the Holy Place/first compartment, each morning and evening. It's atonements covered the sins of the whole nation, while many individuals within the nation had unconfessed sins that they weren't able to atone for because it was not their tribs turn to have access to the brazen altar in the outer court. Bear in mind there were thousands who needed to use the brazen altar. The Daily made it possible for sinners to live in the presence of a Holy God, without being consumed.
What this service was designed to teach, was that since the fall of Adam, Christ has been standing between the wrath of the Father and fallen man. But when He steps out of the way, then God's wrath will begin. (2Thes.2:7)
With this background information in mind. The Daily here in Dan. 12, is referring to the end of Christ corporate intersection for planet earth. This prophetic event is mentioned also in Rev.8:2-5, when it comes to and end, the trumpet judgements begin which starts the tribulation. The AOD will be the universal death decree of which Satan will implement, to kill all who refuse to take his mark/666. (Rev.13:14-16) The 1,290 literal days begins from end of the daily (which is the start of the tribulation), and takes us down to the universal death degree.
Verse 12, states:
"Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1335 days." Since this prophecy does not mention the seven last vial/bowl judgements does not mean they and not a part of closing events. They are as other prophecies clearly indicate. They are God's judgements poured out in full strength upon those having the, "Mark of the Beast/Satan. (Rev.14:9,10). This prophecy has but one starting event, "When Michael/Christ stands up," So the 1290 days are a subset of the 1335 days. We can then reason that the vial/bowl judgements will take 45 days.
For Christians understanding this prophecy, and living to see the beginning of the tribulation it will certainly be encouraging to know that it will only last 1335 literal days. And all who witness the 1335 day will certainly consider it a blessing to have endured still holding to the faith of Jesus.
Please note: the blessing is for those who,
"waits for and reaches the end of the 1335 days."
It's not possible that this can be day/yrs. as no human has ever lived that long. Too, at the end of, "
those days/1335," Daniel will be resurrected along with all the righteous sleeping in their graves.
Please note in this interpretation how Christ is the focus, yours well...