"Do I have to kidnap a guy and make him go out on a date with me?" --pinkstix56
When that doesn't work, I suggest... using a more intimidating-looking weapon (guys typically won't follow you if you just menacingly point, say, chopsticks at them... you have to use something with a little more oomph) and the ever-popular bribery. Just kidding!
I hear you completely. I wanted to marry young (I did, kind of... at 23) have my kids by 25 (30 at the latest), and have this Leave It to Beaver family life... ha... God's taken me the long route (and some of it was due to my own choices) and I know what you mean by feeling impatient.
So, what do we do in the meantime? (And yes, I've taken as many church classes as I could cram in, been to conferences, outreaches, ministries... am involved in groups... work on hobbies, travel...) I ask God to get me to a place where I'm content in life and I think I'm almost there... but... well, I'm glad I can come here and vent to others in the same boat!