This is the craziest thing I've ever seen, and I'm surprised at some of the responses.
If you fear God and want to stay holy, why put yourself in spiritual danger?
We're told (by the Lord) to pray "Lord lead us not into tempation", and then we're gonna lead ourselves right into temptation? Does that make any sense?
Not to mention, the appearance of it. We had sort of a student church in our home in Thailand, and one of the supposedly born again students was sleeping with his girlfriend. We talked to him about it, and he claimed that they were simply sleeping in the same bed, with no sexual activity. That was too hard for us to believe. After pressing him more, he finally acknowledged that yes, of course, they were sexually active. (And since he wouldn't repent, we "handed him over to Satan", or in nicer terms, should I say, we corrected him, told it to the church, and banned him from our meeting until or unless he would repent.)
The Bible is very serious about sexual sin. Why take it lightly and put yourself in such a tempting situation?
But many Christians today think it's okay to "cuddle", "kiss", "make out", etc., before marriage. So why not sleep in the same bed, and do all that too? (I'm being sarcastic of course.)
"Be holy, for I am holy."