Christians: Pastors Who Don’t Know God.
Many (not all) of these men and women who inhabit the pulpit have exalted themselves above correction, or so they think. Members dare not correct them. Outsiders are pushed away. And day after day, men and women not of God continue to deceive the hearts of the simple. The simple with itching ears who heap to themselves teachers full of comfortable lies, nonsense and false promises. But this time I am not going to start off by calling out Creflo “man of God but confused and deceived by Kenneth Copeland” Dollar, former false teacher Fred Price Sr., T.D. Fakes, Paula “sleep with married Benny Hinn” White, Dale “put your name on everything to promote yourself Bronner, Peter “sucker you with free spring water packets” Popoff, Juanita “profit-ess with serious mental issues” Bynum nor Joel “Don’t Worry Be Happy” watered down Gospel Osteen. Come on people, stop falling for the show. Well I guess I did call them out.
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Christians: Pastors Who Don’t Know God. (
Many (not all) of these men and women who inhabit the pulpit have exalted themselves above correction, or so they think. Members dare not correct them. Outsiders are pushed away. And day after day, men and women not of God continue to deceive the hearts of the simple. The simple with itching ears who heap to themselves teachers full of comfortable lies, nonsense and false promises. But this time I am not going to start off by calling out Creflo “man of God but confused and deceived by Kenneth Copeland” Dollar, former false teacher Fred Price Sr., T.D. Fakes, Paula “sleep with married Benny Hinn” White, Dale “put your name on everything to promote yourself Bronner, Peter “sucker you with free spring water packets” Popoff, Juanita “profit-ess with serious mental issues” Bynum nor Joel “Don’t Worry Be Happy” watered down Gospel Osteen. Come on people, stop falling for the show. Well I guess I did call them out.
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Christians: Pastors Who Don’t Know God. (
Real spiritual seekers who think of higher realms in Heaven to win, and lower realms in Hell to shun avoid such one size fits all melting pot morasses of anonymous obligation anyway. My point is that if you have a serious problem like that in your life, to just remember that you don't legally HAVE to go to church anyway. Just ask yourself who those tax collecting NGOs think they are anyway.
You also have the alternative, if you're really such a scholarly genius, of doing your own reading, taking your own notes, cross referencing stray preach offs with books in your local library or bought with your own money, and saying your own prayers. People need to stop cheating off their study buddies' junior guides and adult quarterlies on their non accredited theology quizzes and tests anyway.
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