Now that I think about it that reminds me of all the Humanists I went to school with. The "thought" behind that is basically "we decided religion was false, how do we recover all out time spent at studies". And what comes out of it is something like Religion for Atheists by Alan Botain or sociological surveys of preachers, teachers, evangelists etc. by people who compare the self-declared "holders of the spiritual gifts" on other criteria, including nonexistent ones that they made up to explain spiritually derived consequences in the context, personalities and events that are unique to soul and the existence of the Real Presence including angels.
At first that kind of attitude is helpful, because it allows you to forgive a certain class of meeting goer and facilitator who in point of reality is really only in it for the money and the status anyway, but as you mature you start to understand that you let the spiritual wolves off too lightly, compared to the personal injury they caused the true seekers after truth and worthy shepherding.
Also, that kind of sociological survey is a waste of time. Most people are less literate than a high faulting Humanist thinks anyway, and they've already quit that church that required such a long attention span. If they haven't thrown out their whole libraries including the Bible already anyway, they threw out everything except the Bible, which they only keep on a stand in the foyer for show. As far as the polywogging that genuine fake pastors do as people, they're all just psychologists and social parole officers.
It doesn't really matter whether they knew anything or not, in other words. Hey, maybe we're all wrong in here and there's no God. But if there isn't, or they simply have no talent, what are they doing? I know I'd be tempted to just laze around on the sofa all week watching movies to use as glitzy intros to by sermons and gossip and believe me I've seen plenty of speakers like that in churches. I've also met the clubby Council of Churches pastors with the fat Rolodexes. But maybe we're all right and there is a God, but they're just not getting in touch to be spiritual leaders. Then what are they doing? Succeeding from the Union and forming alternative Theocratic Governments? Acting as agents of the secret police? If they aren't spiritual and engaged in spiritual activities, then what ARE they doing?