The witness that we are called to be in incomplete if all we offer is words.
I meant to say "is incomplete".
This is not a reflection on the writer of this thread but it does provoke my thoughts on sharing the truth.
Honestly, throwing words at people is not truly sharing the gospel. It has to be seen in our lives. They have to see love beyond what the world offers. Too often people think that telling people they are evil and going to hell, is testifying. They let them know if they don't agree with the speaker then they are completely damned.
Why in the world would anyone respond to someone who is showing no love or compassion, seems to sneer at them and act superior? It is also very easy for us to toss words at people and much harder to become involved in their lives, walk alongside them and give them the sort of love that we receive from God. None of this is to condemn a sincere sharing of good news but the power is in being the love of Christ. If it can't be seen reflected in our lives then it might not be our truth. Let them see the miracle of new life.