Sure thing...God bless you, too.

I'm blessed to still have mom and dad, too, and as we were sitting down to have dinner together, I was typing the prayer, and we then included you when we said grace. I know the concern you must have, my folks are in their mid and late 80's, and just celebrated 66 years married last week! Praise the Lord, but of course at that age......
(Ahh, who'm I kiddin', there in better shape than me!

What a blessing, and I pray for the same faithfulness, loyalty and love, should I ever be fortunate to be wed to the one the Lord says I should, but at my age, and the signs of the times, I'm probably just wishful thinking/dreaming at best.
But to have love, and have it last so long, must be a real gift, but also real dedication. I pray I can live up to even a small percentage of what my dad has shown.
May I ask your parents age, or if that's prying, I apologize.
In fact, now that I think of it, that probably was not an appropriate question.
Sorry. Anyway, I do hope it's not too serious with your Dad.
(Btw, I had to fight off every urge to adopt an 8 year old kitty-cat from a pet store today. All white, two different colored eyes, just like my little buddy I said goodbye to two+ years ago. Except he was a short-haired boy, and this was a long-haired girl. But the female version of my little boy. Really affectionate and sweet towards me, and I really wanted to rescue her out of that store, but I know my situation, and I just didn't feel like I could give her the best that she deserves, but it broke my heart to see her sitting in that cage all alone, and I'm getting torn up again just writing about it so I gotta go.