Thank you, Nehemiah! You summed it up succinctly! Cheers!
"If there is no change in attitudes and behavior, then perhaps salvation was not a reality!"
That's exactly what I mean!
1. Now, I might as well say,
Enough is enough!
Except for Moses Young and you, Nehemiah, I don't see many strong and balanced Christians around. Posthuman is a good man, but he likes to please the ladies! (Still, I love him with Christian love! He's got a sense of humour!)
2. As for the rest, they need to get their act together.
3. I am thinking of taking a break from CC. These loony ladies (totally ignorant of God's Word) have not been properly taught the Word of God, and they scream with futile rage when the truth cuts through all their sham and pretense.
4. It would have been good to have an intelligent and balanced discussion with men who know God's Word.
5. I am sorry about De-Emerald. I didn't know that it was a 'he'. The way he/she wrote, it was typically over-excited feminine behaviour. I apologize to him/her. She is a good soul, but misled by her 'girlie gang'. She can take satisfaction from my beautifully designed Bible posters, knowing that I am a true Christian and a gentlemen.
6. As regards the rest, they belong to
Vanity Fair. They are quite capable of serving Lord Hategood and his villainous gang, who martyred poor Faithful.
7. Well goodbye, Nehemiah, Moses Young, Posthuman and Dean (
sorry about my barb! 'undeveloped').
8. And P.S. Tell
oldman to keep working on that tattoo on his ring finger. He has to modify it every year - or his wife will take him to task!!