yes please!
This is my opinion and yes I can be wrong

. why the sword of Goliath was behind the ephod in the tabernacle
AS I know you remember we must back it up a bit to when the Ark was taken and to where?
Yep, the Philistines temple placed right next to the false god Dagon. One thing God hates..... HATES!!!! is other gods.
We know what happened, God struct the Philistines and they placed gold and the ark on a cart and sent it back.
Prior to Goliath's demise, he was hurling insults to the children of Israel Blahpemying the ONE TRUE GOD and did so in the name of who?
His own god the bible says.
David who had the SPIRIT of the LORD on HIM came by, FINALLY, GOD had SOMEONE who HE could show that uncircumcised Philistine Who is the Real God because your god an't going to keep your head on your shoulders today.
David said DON"T WE HAVE A CAUSE? the Spirit of the Lord can upon him, and David ran out to meet this giant who said to him:
1sam 17:43
He said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
Goliath had to bring gods into this. For days blasphemed our God and Boasted and spoke evil about God the name of his god.
David took his head that day and HIS sword. That sword the weapon of the enemy was a fine sword the Bible says.
The sword of Goliath was living proof and a testimony to our God defeating the Giants!
Just like you and I are Living Proof of God's salvation and we too have things God gave us that were from the enemy what we hold now to use against him another day Just like David Did.
Jesus took the best weapons that the devil had and used on us and gave us victory over death hell and the grave.
it was only Fitting that David Should go out with his enemy's sword that was created to destroy him and use it on the very enemy who made it. The devil is bound for death hell and the grave.
IF that doesn't get you shouting and sending to CS1 $19.95 @ P.O Box Shout Amen! Oakland Califonia 94538. I don't know what else to tell ya.